Some followup on the topic of Mark Vera's post "circumventing" the Elections Committee. Let me say now that with a little more thought and review and input, I believe that Mark did not intentionally circumvent the elections committee, but I believe that the elections committee is possibly not being given the opportunity to retrospectively examine and approve the post by Mr. Vera either. As much as I might relish the thought that Mark did this intentionally, I do not believe he did. Read on if you like.
As far as the posting thing, from my own very recent PM's with Rook, I've deduced it to be this.
#1. Posts to those threads ARE "moderated", which means that certain people have to approve the posts before they become public view.
#2. Understand that Admins, by virtue of their higher security access, don't have their posts suppressed while waiting for "approvals". That's a function of the software. Admins can post on locked threads, heck admins can throw out the entire election committee if they want. The software takes for granted that the admins are people we want to trust with that kind of power

I do not think this is a case where Mr. Vera posted, had his questions surpressed, and then used his administrative powers to "approve" his post. I geniuinely believe, based on my two years of working with PHPBB, that Mark Vera's post was automatically approved by the software itself because Mark is an Admin.
I looked back, and there's no record in the rules that tell Admins to not post on the thread, which is what the rest of us are expected to do. So, when someone like Mr. Vera posts on that thread, to ask a question himself, he probably did not realize that his post would AUTOMATICALLY go through, by virtue of his Admin status. I'd love to say that Mr. Vera intentionally broke the rules, but I really don't think he did in this case. And by the same token, because the post was made by an Admin, the Elections Committee probably never saw it as a post to be "approved", and furthermore I suspect they were NOT given the power to edit/delete threads once they were approved. Thus, I strongly suspect that they can't remove or edit Mark's post even if they wanted to.
I think the censorship of Gresham's post is wrong. End of story there. Ironic that a question about censorship is the only question censored (as far as we know). I do have to say that there were some HARSH RULES put down for what COULD and could not be asked / talked about. Those guidelines are:
1) Posts should be specific to the election at hand, and preferably to confirmed Official Candidates under consideration for the four open seats on the BOD. Comments, questions, etc. regarding the three current BOD members will only be allowed if and to the extent that it is necessary to discuss a Candidates platform should they be chosen to the BOD.
2) Specific "platform" questions are allowed; ie. broad policy discussion.
3) Posts regarding desired qualities a nominee should have will be allowed. However, these posts must be in the spirit of moving MOFIB forward.
4) Endorsements of Candidates are allowed.
5) Nominees may, of course, respond to specific questions asked of them.
6) Personal attacks, name calling, or threats will not be tolerated, and will be deleted.
7) Any comments on what is or is not "legal" will not be permitted.
8) Re-counting the past will not be permitted. Lets focus on the future of MOFIB and and how a Candidate is or is not a best choice to lead MOFIB into the future.
9) A Tete-a-Tete will not be allow; i.e. we will not allow multiple back and forth he said / she said arguments. State your position and move on.
It is quite possible that my question asking about the board's decisions over the past 4 months might be thrown out under #8. I should however, post my endorsements too