SeahorseWhisperer_":2wlvdjsx said:
Thales, I have been trying to fix MOFIB for a year. Now, we have a security breach. Strong work, I guess.
What does this mean?
SeahorseWhisperer_":2wlvdjsx said:
I still cannot figure out why it is so important to you and others that MOFIB is shut down?
Because it has become a highly toxic entity. And the reality is that every person suggesting that a shut down is the best course of action seems to be someone who first, long before you ever came along, tried to stop this mess, or tried to save the org from itself. Creating some new organization on the ashes of the old fools no one, and as I told you privately, was at minimum an extreme conflict of interest and a breach of fiduciary responsibility. Put simply, you as a board member have a duty to put MOFIB first. In your scheming to offload MOFIB to some new corporation that you've gone and founded, you are not trying to fix is YOU who is actually actively pursuing the shut down of MOFIB and, as I see it, the swindling of MOFIB's assets to a new corporation that you've started.
If you wanted to go start your own breeding organization with Jeff and others, you should have resigned your posts as MOFIB board members and just gone to start the new venture. Instead, you've mastermind a scheme to offload the assets of MOFIB into your new organization, where you aim to strip members of their voting rights but will continue to take their money (but you haven't told them that in your public comments). Of course, you also haven't told them that you "resigned" as a board member and have then somehow "taken it back"???
You also fail to understand that the MOFIB culture problem is systemic and part of the leadership. There's ZERO issues with Illinois law here's 100% an issue of leadership and an indifference to the laws ,bylaws, and the duty you have to follow them. Frankly, I find the bemoaning of the laws and such troubling, because for the most part, if you just do what is right ANYWAYS those rules and laws would be of little issue. So the way I see it, the problems of MOFIB's culture are going to follow you no matter what state, and what form of organization you wind up trying next.
And that is why the best way forward is to leave MOFIB behind. I had a page long list of the reasons I incorporated MOFIB (and yes, I am the one who took half a day off to go file the paperwork myself), but there is only one reason that is relevant to the topic at hand.
What I wanted to safeguard against was the loss of the members priceless public contributions. By incorporating MOFIB, the website, and the responsibility of maintaining this data repository, was no longer the responsibility of one person (me). It would no longer live or die at the whim of one person. It allows for MOFIB to belong to no one and yet belong to everyone (the members).
While MOFIB's leadership has been largely reprehensible, the actual MEMBERS (and I'm not talking "paid member" BS, I'm talking anyone who contributes to the breeding discussions) have created a valuable repository of breeding information for the world. That was a goal that has succeeded despite the endless failures of the leadership (although you are now really seeing how badly you can cripple an organization before it dies). The truth is that the MOFIB website, the public facets of it, are reference in many websites and hard print publications. Of course this may not have occurred to you, but even simply changing the domain name severs every link to that information.
Since it is crystal clear to most of us that MOFIB's leadership cannot be fixed, any perpetuation of MOFIB as some new entity or new leadership is bound to fail. Any attempts to re-privatize MOFIB will at minimum tick someone off. That is why I've proposed simply getting right with the state, then offloading the digital assets (domains, database, website files) to a more stable organization who can maintain them in an archival state. To do this kills all the politics because no one participates going forward. Afterall, let's be blunt.
If MOFIB is "just a website", how ironic is it that one person can build and and maintain an entire organizations website (and I'm not talking about MOFIB), yet an entire group of SEVEN people can't even keep the darn MOFIB website running?
EVERYONE wants to be a leader. EVERYONE wants recognition. NO ONE wants to actually sit and get the job done. Afterall...MOFIB is how far behind on it's taxes? No one ever thought maybe that issue should simply get resolved? That one person should actually just be responsible for getting it fixed. No, instead, the latest solution is to take the organization's assets and run away with them to a new organization in another state?
MOFIB is dead, and frankly, any new incarnation you guys aim to create isn't gonna have the blessing of too many people...which means it's dead too. Truly, the best way forward is to MOVE ON. That means the plan I've outlined above. Archive the website with a neutral third party like MASNA. After making right with the state, if there's anything left, choose a neutral charity and donate the funds. And lock the door behind you.