More BS.
We got emails sent out to tell us that were are qualified to vote / nominate. I don't know if the election message went to ALL members as required by State Law...looking into that now with some people who I suspect will not be notified as legally required.
I won't include the email here, but bottom line they've taken every possible chance to make your nomination fail to count. You must email the board with your nomination in the next 4 days (I think by law, such a notice must actually be 5 days). You can only nominate one person, and it can't be yourself. The board will review the nomination and attempt to get a yes/no. After the nomination period is over, the board will "try" to publish a list of nominees. So, you get one blind shot in the dark to pick one name and hope that person hasn't already been nominated. If that person already was, well, you just wasted your nomination. If the person you nominate declines, you don't get to nominate someone else apparently. In other words, your second choice might be everyone else's second choice, and that second choice person might never even make it to the ballot.
I'm suggesting to any MOFIB member reading this - Andy (Ummfish) started a thread on Nominations and we have publicly posted our nominations there. That way, you can see who's been nominated already and don't waste your nomination again. I'd strongly suggest contacting the person you nominate to see if they'll accept it, so again, you don't waste your nomination. Remember, this isn't an election...don't waste your influence...nominations don't aggregate like votes do!
HOWEVER, here's the thing I'm really mad about - apparently members are supposed to send their nominations to "" by June 21st. Now, try that email if you like, because it won't work. in fact, isn't even a registered could go buy it. Anyone who does a copy & paste of the email address will automatically get a bounce back of their nomination email.
If you're smart enough to realize it's a typo, you'll try instead. MOFIB does own that domain. You'll get a bounceback there too currently.
If you're not totally pissed off and have the tenacity of a rat terrier on my ankle, you'll figure that the official MOFIB domain is actually, so maybe they just picked the wrong domain extension. So you can try emailing your nomination to
You'll get a bounce back there too. There is currently no viable way to nominate anyone based on what the board has told the members.
In other words, while elections and nominations have been announced, currently the board never saw fit to actually set up the email address they want to use, let along to proofread the email.
Don't even get me started on how the "eligible voter" qualifications in the email are different than what was in the minutes (which were edited, so actually two different standards have been put out), and they also go against the bylaws (which have been changed to reflect who can vote at least 2 or 3 times). So even if you want to accept what's "currently out there" as voter qualifications, you still have 3 different rulings on the field. More if you reject these changes in favor of the legally binding bylaws that the board didn't legally change, let alone that the board probably didn't have a legal right to change member voting priviledges without the member's approval (which means all 1600+ registered member who *should * have the right to vote based on what we all originally agreed upon when incorporating).
Anyone MOFIB member who wants to file a complaint with the state of IL about how the current Board is handling this process will have no opposition from me....this is a sloppy sham top to bottom. Stuff like this did not happen when I was "steering the ship" and as I've said, the members deserve better than what they're currently getting.