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Morgman":3ez2qh0n said:
What happened to the post listing 1-4 things the BOD should do? This included for the BOD to step down after they are voted out with the new elections. Then the old BOD could act as consultants for the new board. That was the best post on MOFIB in over 2 months.
I saved that post but obviously there is no point in reposting it at MOFIB. But here it is for archival purposes;
PaulG wrote:Instead of whinging & bitching like some.........

Can I make a suggestion to the BOD?

1) Scrap the current nominations process as there is allready too much confusion about just what is what/who/where/how/why
2) call an extraordinary meeting this weekend to change the bylaws to be what they should be in order for the nominations/voting to take place (in one place, the place that it should be)
3) Once the nominations & votes have taken place, the EXISTING 3 BOD members STEP DOWN as BOD members but remain as ADVISORS to the NEW BOD
4) The NEW BOD then either creates or re-instates the currently listed ByLaws (as at the time of this post)

I'm sure the BOD is not going to like this suggestion but considering the number of stuff ups that have occurred in teh process (do I really need to list them?) I have pretty much lost all confidence in teh current BOD.


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I've posted this at least a dozen times now, and each time it is removed within seconds. I actually have a job to do today, so I think the point has been made. I can't win in a 4 on 1 delete matt's posts war.


This is now the FOURTH time I've posted this. I look online, and BaboonScience,Enigma,SPK, and Clownfish75 are all online. They're the only other ones. It's a 4 on 1 battle to delete my posts as soon as I post them apparently. This post does not violate the T&C in any way.

*poof*, there goes all dissent against the board, and we'll even be sure to clean up after ourselves by not letting members even acknowledge that these posts existed in the first place. Over a half dozen threads have been deleted this morning, burying all dissent against the BOD's decisions and actions.

Clownfish75":qdho09jw said:
Hi Matt

Some of your posts have been edited, or moved.

If yuo have something constructive to say in a polite and respectable manner please do, otherwise your posts will continue to be moderated and or removed.



And since this post, Christian has told me I don't have his permission to quote his PM publicly in the forums. Sadly for him, I don't need his permission. It even says right in the T&C - MOFIB's website, http://www.MarineBreeder.org, contains a private messaging function that is available to all registered members. In using this system, you consent to all messages being stored in a database. The webmaster, administrator and moderators cannot be held responsible for any hacking attempt that may lead to message data being compromised. MOFIB does not read or scan users' private messages. However, MOFIB is not responsible for the privacy of these messages. As with forum posts, MOFIB can also not be held responsible for the content of private messages. You acknowledge that private messages are simply another form of email - what you say can and may very well be passed along to a third party by a message recipient. Any misuse of the private message system may result in suspension of your membership.

It is more than constructive to question the Board, especially when it deletes threads, posts up 6 different and conflicting sets of voting member eligibility, and furthermore it's members create random, unofficial new qualifications for who can be elected to the board.

It is clear that the democratic process is being murdered at the hands of the board and administration, and I fully believe that if the members want to save their organization they cannot be bullied into silence.

enigma":qdho09jw said:
We cannot move past this drama if everyone keeps ranting like this. This type of complaining is what is keeping folks form replying to your posts.

Sadly, at this point, we cannot move past this drama until the Board steps down. It has lost the complete trust and faith of the members on the whole...at least of those who are even left caring about MOFIB.


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Yup, the nominations thread was moved into a forum where members do not have posting rights. The rest are just gone. The board is doing it's best to prevent members from ORGANIZING and circumventing the "restrictions" put in place by them. They are preventing members from communicating their intentions with each other in a public forum. EDIT - the only reason to do this is, at this point, to prevent members from nominating and voting in members that will remove the sitting administration.

It is sad to see that members are forced to post what they say here on RDO as well, just to ensure that they're heard somewhere.


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So here's a twist, I suddenly found myself with READ access to the WHOLE SITE, even the BOD PRIVATE FORUM. I have publicly notified the members and administrators, as well as I have directly emailed Mark Vera requesting that I be restored to the level of access I should have. Below is the email, which included the post I made on MOFIB.


Mark, I suddenly found myself with access to read all the boards on MOFIB. I should not have that access, but I most certainly did not stop myself from reading up on things like the vote where I was supposedly "removed", something I'm more than entiteld to see anyway.

Someone had to give me this access, but no one notified me of that change. Therefore, I suspect it is being done with malicious intent. I suggest that you get a handle on the poeple who are working on the board's behalf immediately.

I am requesting that my access be returned to it's original and appropriate state. I have posted this message on the board for all members to see.


I am posting this here specifically because someone with the power to grant me access to forums such as the moderator forum has done so. I refreshed and suddenly I can see EVERYTHING.

I know that I am not supposed to have this level of access, but what the heck, I read and saved anything I felt like saving, including the slanderous allegations made by Luis Magnasco that I had posted a secret plot to make MOFIB my own private property. Seriously..I'll quote that from the vote that he and John partook in when the "removed me". Funny thing is, that "plot" was an idea that in fact JOHN LAUTH had proposed as a possible solution to our problems in the first elections process. I quote this here so that the Board, the Moderators, the Administrators and the Members all know that I am not making up this random access. Furthermore, I was a board member at the time, so I am not releasing any information I shouldn't have seen anyway.

I am notifying the Board, the Moderators and the Members that once again, the incompetency of the leadership runs from TOP TO BOTTOM. Perhaps this sudden new-found access is an accidental case of the administration putting me on "read only" access and botching it.

No doubt, someone will certainly accuse me of HACKING MOFIB in order to gain this access, and will utilize that claim as a manner to ban me an possibly even press legal charges along those lines. The records of who actually changed my permissions are clearing stored in the database, but it is all too easy to go into the database to remove those records. So I could quite easily be framed in this scenario.

I am request that my access be restored to it's proper level immediately.


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My repost has just been removed from public view as well. Clearly I am being "set up" at some level.

As of this moement, here are all the visible, active members on the board. There is only ONE who has full on administrative powers to have granted me the access earlier today, and there are only two who I know to have the ability to move posts to QT:

Registered users: bookfish, Clownfish75, fishtal, Google [Bot], Halogen, Herbsie, mikegreen, Rook, spk

I'd argue they are somewhat caught redhanded in all of this. I would not be surprised that SPK set this up, given that back in December of '09 he showed up randomly with full on Administrative Access on his own without BOD approval (I assume it was John Lauth who set that up secretly). When I found it, I simply threw the switch on SPK back to not being an admin and brought it directly to Luis's attention...who opted to do nothing.

- EDIT - after posting this message, I checked, my access levels have been returned to their regular appropraite level.




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It looks like the entire elections process will now be started over for a THIRD TIME by the same BOD who just can't get it right. Now they will be handing off this responsibility to an "elections committee"...I guess that way they can blame the "elections committee" instead of taking responsibility for their own errors and decisions. I.e. there is no suggestion that the requirements or eligibility issues will be address at all. Posted today at - http://www.marinebreeder.org/phpbb/view ... 253&t=5232

bookfish":2ma98t2k said:
Given the confusion surrounding this nomination process, is it still fair to close nominations on Sunday in 3 days?

enigma":2ma98t2k said:
There are plans to extend the election, please look for information from the Election Committee as they are taking over this election.

The Board keeps changing the rules and procedures at will. They've now returned to outright censorship of member posts. We are now in for a third "reattempt" at having elections. If the board cannot run something as simple as a free and fair elections process, why should they be allowed to run anything else? MOFIB is in shambles at this point and it is directly the result of the actions of those in power. If an election is ever pulled off, at this point I'd suggest the 4 elected board members immediately move to remove the seated three, unless there is no IL replacement available for Mr. Vera. I would also suggest the removal of all those who have sat in as advisers to the board, as they have enabled and encouraged the board to continue on this dangerous, destructive path.



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A bit of good news in an otherwise dismal situation. I don't need to reiterate where we stand, so I'll just say that we finally all know who and what the election committee is and does.

http://www.marinebreeder.org/phpbb/view ... 253&t=5258

I have to say again that I fully trust Rook in his position as the chairperson. I know he will do the absolute best with whatever he is dealt with, and he fully going to play by the rules and within the confines. So, if we don't like what the election committee has to say, rest assured it is NOT THEIR FAULT, it is the FAULT of the Board. I applaud Rook for taking this job, and I thank those who have joined him on this election committee. Anderson has always been one of the best volunteers MOFIB has ever seen, so in this role I know he will certainly keep the members in mind. Fishboybt I frankly don't really know you on a personal level, so I can only wish you the best of luck with the committee (and the other project we've been talkin' about ;) ). Skearse, I'm surprised to see you on this list, but I know that JARC has always been a strong supporter of MOFIB so I am glad to see that you are participating to help restore some stability to this organization. Mikegreen, frankly I don't feel I know you well at all, and I get the feeling that you're a friend of Mr. Kennedy's and don't see the big picture in this horrible mess. I could be completely wrong, I simply do not know you well. Thankfully, even if I cannot trust you to do a bang up or fair job, I know that there are four other poeple who I trust completely, being lead by someone who I know will take his job extremely seriously, so no worries. Overall, I believe this "third attempt" might actually fit the "third time is the charm" phrase. Maybe.....and that's a strong maybe.

What will remain to be seen is what the BOD does, and how far the election committee is willing to push back in the event that the BOD tries to violate member rights. I still fundamentally believe that we are not going to see elections that don't disenfranchise some portion of the membership. I KNOW that the qualifications to run for election as last posted are fabrications, as they cannot be found in the minutes or bylaws. Ultimately, it sounds like the elections committee will be told the qualifications, and it doesn't sound like the election committee can challenge the legitimacy of the qualifications, rather it can only work to add a layer of independent verification that the election is run in a manner that meets the qualifications. So in the end, I don't think we will ever see a FAIR election, but at least we have a better chance at keeping the Board and Administrators HONEST.


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As usual the BOARD of Dictators (oh,sorry, I mean "Directors") has put out a new statement. To recap the last 24+ hours, the board first enacted a policy of removing ALL public dissent directed at the BOD and elections process from the website. Early this morning, the elections process has perhaps now officially been started over for a third time.

http://www.marinebreeder.org/phpbb/view ... 253&t=5264

There has been only this one small post. No mass emails to the members. The post reads:

Luis A M":38ft6ytl said:
Dear MOFIB members,
We have started with the election process by means of which four new directors will be joining us in the Board.A special election commitee will take care of all the technical aspects of this process,and their indications must be followed.
A rough guide is that members can now nominate their preferred candidate,one candidate per member.Then all nominated candidates will explain publicly why they should be voted.And lastly actual election will take place. This will be explained in detail by the election commitee and any consult or doubt about the nomination and voting processes should be addressed exclusively to it.


Otherwise,I kindly request that all members refrain from posting any political subject until the voting is finished.This is to provide a quiet condition for the members to evaluate in peace all the different proposals and make their choice.Each voting member can elect four candidates.
Thank you for your understanding and let us have a good election!

As usual, I have to point out the utter BS that the BOARD is now leveling on the members. The official policy is that "nominated candidates will explain publicly why they should be voted", and "I kindly request that all member refrain from posting any political subject until voting is finished."

I know that Dr. Magnasco genuinely believes in what he has posted here, but sadly, you cannot have free and fair elections without free speech and open debate. I will argue that Luis's public statement, asking "politely" for members to not post, reveals a much more sinister policy, that the board will continually remove any political discussions from MOFIB. Sadly, this means that when a candidate says "I will be a great candidate for the board because I've managed 10 other not-for-profits", no one can call out the candidate if that claim is found to be false. By the same token, NO ONE is allowed to speak out against a candidate. I.e. there will likely be candidates who I have personal and direct experiences with who I believe should not be elected to the board.

As I see it, the Board will not even let me go so far as to simply say something like, "I, as the primary co-founder of MOFIB, believe the following people should not be elected to the board of directors: SPK, Clownfish75, Acroporas, Calfo, Spracklecat, Lady Baboon, PaulG. I further believe that only candidates who support the removal of BaboonScience and Luis AM should be elected". I know I will not be allowed to make such a statement on MOFIB, and furthermore, I will not be allowed to provide factual evidence and experiences to explain WHY I hold these opinions. Nor will I be allowed to say, "I endorse the following list of exemplary candidates who have my utmost trust, including UmmFish, Kmiec123...".

Of course, I do acknowledge that to many people, my list of "unacceptable candidates" should come as no surprise, and most people likely understand exactly why. And in that light, the Board can certainly justfiy censoring my free speech on a forum that I EXPLICITLY set up to promote free speech. They will argue that by posting any such statement, I am only serving to "cloud the issues" or something. Well that, and to simply say that someone should not be elected is the type of thing the Board and some Moderators consider a "disparaging remark" and try to say is against the Terms & Conditions.

Where I have a real problem with this is that the board policy is not exclusively aimed at someone (me) considered by the BOD to be a troublemaker hell-bent on derailing the election process. It's that NO ONE, not a single member, is afforded free speech to discuss the candidates suitability, history, stated claims, policies or campaign promises. So again, chalk this up to the ever growing list of member rights that the current sitting Board of Directors is taking away.

Jorge Manuel

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As a matter of fact, I realy don't know what is going on at Mofib as I see lot's of trouble in finding a way to do things as they shoul be done.
For me, I think I'm an voting/elegible member but so far I did'nt get any real response in the site to a PM I sent to Mr. Mark Vera about this subject. This way I have the consciousness that this is not a fair election process although in my particular case, I do not want to be a part of the BoD.
About Mofib's future?!?!?!...........I prefer to recall the times in which Matt was there.


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So it's basically then end of the "nominations timeframe" as officially announced by the BOD. They have still failed to email all members about this elections process, and they have also failed to email even those members "qualified" in the BOD's mind, the proper email address at which to submit nominations. They have made multiple attempts to censor member discuss, debate or efforts for members or organize and voluntarily bring some transparency to the process. The BOD has enacted an Elections Committee halfway through this nomination period, but there has been no official statement from the BOD regarding this..we've only heard from Rook, the committee leader. The closest thing we've heard is a pretty official looking post by Luis Magnasco which I discussed above, which lends no real credibility to the process nor clear explanations.

So, after completely botching this second attempt at an election process, the members on the whole are simply left clueless. Members who have NOT followed this situation closely are simply confused at best. I personally checked in with a member I know who was nominated, and found that he has not been notified of the nomination that was made. I don't know if this has happened to ALL nominees, or if select individuals are purposely being locked out.

It has also been brought to my attention that at least two members who are active MODERATORS are NOT listed on the Board published "eligibility list" of people members can nominate for the board. I already ranted about how they pulled some random qualifications out of the air for who could run for the BOD, but there are people who clearly should be on that list who are NOT. So now, not even being a moderator qualifies you necessarily. http://www.marinebreeder.org/phpbb/view ... 264&t=5218 - by all means, show me where Thales or Kmiec123 (my personal nomineee) are on that list?! There is virtually NO WAY these members fail to qualify as suitable candidates for the board elections. Or is it now also a qualification that you must not disagree with the BOD, but must support them regardless of the ethics or legality of their actions?

At any point in the last few days, the BOD could have come forward publicly to say "Sorry, we've made some mistakes, we're gonna have to restart this process". There has not been ANY clear apology to the members, assumption of responsibility for the oversights, miscommunications and mixed messages. There has been no BOD communication to inform the members of how this is planned to move forward, nor any timelines given (although the new BS bylaws clearly state that we have about 3 weeks left before the new BOD has to be in place). We are all left guessing.

Ya know, people have accused me of being paranoid, but so often in dealing with the people currently in charge at MOFIB, paranoia has actually just been "Good instincts". Coming at them with automatic distrust actually makes understanding the potential future so much more clear. I find myself wondering if the BOD has enacted the "Election Committee" simply as a diversionary tactic. I wonder if the public statements of Mark Vera that this elections process would have to be "extended" are another classic example of spinning the situation and telling members what they need to hear, solely to quiet dissent while they ram this unfair, flawed process through. We've seen it happen before. Magicians do it every day. Redirect.

Nice little side note - the thread about elections that disappeared for 2 days has been brought back. http://www.marinebreeder.org/phpbb/view ... 264&t=5071 - I wonder if the board simply removed it temporarily to send a "Clear Message", and to buy some time while they push things forward.

So again, I'll say that none of this reflects poorly on the elections committee. It's pretty much standard operating procedure for the current BOD and admins. By all means, if there is someone out there who supports them and their actions, I'd ask you to please explain the basis of your support.

I've said it on MOFIB, and I've seen other members say it and all those posts "disappear". So I'll say it here. I gave the BOD a fair chance. I gave Mr. Vera my full trust and cooperation and he used it to server the board's purposes, not the independent leadership he implied. He dropped the ball on some of the most basic, rudimentary tasks under his responsibility. It only takes reading through this full thread to realize that while I didn't trust the board, I did give Mr. Vera a fair chance, but on the whole, the board has blown it repeatedly, and the administrators and advisors have done nothing but support the board's decisions and actions.

So I strongly encourage the removal of the BOD through the proper channels, acknowledging that Mr. Vera may have to remain if there is no suitable replacement member from IL. I would propose the second order of business be cleaning out the rest of the administration and advisors who were all to willing to support the BOD's actions against the members. To steal a phrase - MOFIB needs CHANGE.

I strongly support those candidates who openly or silently have removal of the 3 seated BOD members as a first order of business. I'd hope that all members take ownership of their organization, communicate with each other, fight censorship, and work to ensure that there is no way the BOARD can manipulate the election to server their will....lest MOFIB's election mirror the failures in Iran. I believe MOFIB needs a CLEAN SLATE, and I don't think MOFIB can afford to wait another year for that to be a possibility. As far as I know, no one has nominated me to run for the board, and frankly, I still maintain that I would a) have to ask Renee's permissions and b) likely wouldn't anyway given that I'd be elected to work with people who I outright refuse to work with. Remember, I started MOFIB for ALL of you, not the 8 or so people hording power and protecting their positions. It's up to the members now to take their organization back.

I promise the members that if a good board is in place, I will be back supporting MOFIB and actively participating. If not, well, my wife is all for me starting MOFIB 2.0 and putting MOFIB out of business. I still don't agree with that, but hey, if my WIFE feels that way about it, well, that surprised even ME, but it also told me exactly what she thinks about the current situation.


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Quick Folllowup - probably during my writing the above, Rook (Election Committee Chair) posted this - http://www.marinebreeder.org/phpbb/view ... 253&t=5280

Looks like this flawed process is being "extended" only 3 days by the BOD. We still have not seen any official email notifications with the correct email address and otherwise letting the members know about it, and I don't think the Elections Committee has the power to send that notification.

I've emailed some questions to Rook that I hope he will address, as time allows, before this process closes up.

- and then this showed up - http://www.marinebreeder.org/phpbb/view ... 253&t=5278

So, I'm just gonna chill, Rook has things under control for the moment. Time for folks to read and digest!

SECOND EDIT - it appears that the deleting of comments is ALIVE AND WELL. And I know the comment didn't break ANY rules. Just noted that a thread was gone for 2 days and the mysteriously showed back up. Good to see the Board's "Advisors" are doing a bang up job of censorship. Bravo BOD & MODS!

Clownfish75":2ohoodoj said:
Dear Mr Pedersen

Your recent post was removed.

Have a nice Day




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For the record, I also have not been contacted by the BOD regarding being nominated. No "congratulations, you've been nominated" letter. No letter to ask if I would consider running. No letter explaining what they consider the "rules" they expect candidates to follow. Nothing. In fact, the only private communication I've ever gotten from one of the current BODs were the two flawed notifications of the start of the nomination process.

But, you know, maybe they aren't detail guys.


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Nominations are currently taking place. Once the nominations are finished and the Election Committee verifies that the nominations are done according to the process; the Election Committee (not the BOD) will at that time contact the proposed nominees to verify if they are willing to accept the nomination. Once we have the list of accepted nominees; we will again contact the Official Nominees and post the list of Official Nominees in a thread on MOFIB for members to review.

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