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48" tank SPS: 1 master and 1 slave 120W unit.

its that 48" deep or wide?

cause i need to know the depth value,, my 110x its 48" wide but its 31" high

if 2 x 120w master & slave will get me enough light AT the bottom of the tank? then thats what i will get.

edit: i also have a 75gal witch its 48" wide 21" high, will 2 x 90w will do to get enough par at the bottom?

for the 110 tank, i think you need more light than that-i would say you should consider a total of 300-400W led
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Professional Commuter
Wallingford, CT
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On a 48"x18"x31" tall tank, I would seriously consider the Aqua Illuminations modules. They would have a deeper penetration if you are planning to keep corals near the bottom of the tank. This is where 3 watt LEDs with focal optics work well and your tank is not wide from front to back so coverage in that area should not be an issue. Four 72 watt modules run about $2300.


Professional Commuter
Wallingford, CT
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The only people that I know of that used red LEDs on their lamps/fixtures where thortek and Solaris had green (cyan) LEDs in theirs. Purple would be something like 403nm LEDs & I believe that Pacific Sun has some UVA LEDs scattered in their arrays. Course I just tried to look at my fixture and all I see is spots now :banghead:


north jersey
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Purple would be something like 403nm LEDs & I believe that Pacific Sun has some UVA LEDs scattered in their arrays. Course I just tried to look at my fixture and all I see is spots now :banghead:
Stepping off subject, is it me or are purple death palys only purple under actinic spectrums and otherwise brown?

ummmm....if you would stop looking directly at the led bulbs, you may be able to see the purple deaths are brown under lower kelvin temp......lol. to me they only look purple under actinics bulbs and/or blueish leds.
it's kinda hard to sell "brown" death paly therefore...ta-dah..... purple death....lol.


Professional Commuter
Wallingford, CT
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If your looking for non-controllable LED lamps/fixture, you should really consider the Eco-Lamps KR92 fixture.
Sanjay, a well respected reefer on many forums recently tested the Eco-Lamp KR92 against an PFO Solaris I5 and a 250w MH and the results were very good for the Eco-Lamp. They are also warranted in the USA now so that's gotta be a big plus over the other asian lamps.
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Just chiming in- There is a thread on Nano Reef that NanoTuners did build a prototype for a fixture really nice- I just got from Nanotuners a custom built hood for my Biocube to see if I really want to spend the money on LED for my Solana -20" cube- I have only had the light for a day and even my wife likes the tank now and she doesn't like much!

At 60% the tank and coral pop- it almost appears that the polyps on the zoos are getting larger then under my 150 MH - the heat exchange is none existent the tank stayed at 78 day and night- I will never run above 70% because I don't think I will need it from what I have read and the fact the tank is small- and I am not keeping SPS

Don't know if it is an addiction yet - but energy conservation, not needing bulbs - the shimmer affect from the water movement - I'm sold - I will monitor the growth over the next few month and start a thread for my zoo garden so you can all judge for yourselves.

more to come

Wingo thanks for the advice on the picture taking I will try it tonight!


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new jersey
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I must agree with Wingo - I would say 1 master/ 1 slave based on 3W XP-G 3W, 3W XP-E 3W, and 3W XP-E Blue with total 324W based on MCPCB panel.

and as peacan suggested using stronger focus lenses than 120 since you have a deeper tank - your choice of 40, 60, 80

for the 110 tank, i think you need more light than that-i would say you should consider a total of 300-400W led

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