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Bread Of Life
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Need to tell you that this has been the best info on LED I have seen , yet by far the greatest. There are so many talk about it and lot of question. I think you have not only cover the info been answer all my question I need to hear. Thank you very much for the info. There a lot of guys i know that would like to see you massage on LED and a company I know working on something. Can I pass this massage to them and give them your name, they may want to ask you some question. Is this ok with you. thank once more going LED and letting my MH go. need to save $$$$$...thanks. MikesReef.


Advanced Reefer
Great Neck
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LED Lightings Demonstration

My office will open this Friday, March 5 between 6pm and 10pm for all visitors who are interested in LED lightings. Everyone (including vendors) is welcome to bring your LED lightings for demonstration. A free 18" LED lighting (model A101) from www.acanlighting.com will be given to the draw winner.

Here is one of the tanks in my office, more than 80% of the corals in the tank have been grown from frags strictly under LED lightings since Dec. 2007.


I have a good collections of LED lightings around the world, and you are welcome to play with them. My office locates at "75 Austin Blvd., Commack, NY 11725" and serves as the monthly meeting place for Long Island Reef Association. There is no official LIRA meeting or auction this Friday, but all visitors are welcome to bring your corals and equipments for swap or trade.

See you Friday.



Professional Commuter
Wallingford, CT
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Need to tell you that this has been the best info on LED I have seen , yet by far the greatest. There are so many talk about it and lot of question. I think you have not only cover the info been answer all my question I need to hear. Thank you very much for the info. There a lot of guys i know that would like to see you massage on LED and a company I know working on something. Can I pass this massage to them and give them your name, they may want to ask you some question. Is this ok with you. thank once more going LED and letting my MH go. need to save $$$$$...thanks. MikesReef.

Glad that you enjoyed the thread. Feel free to pass on any info that you want.
Hopefully, I can update some of the growth process soon. Just can't take any good pics :banghead:
Rating - 99.1%
225   2   0
A PAR data chart of this build in pdf can be found in post #13 of the following thread

Note: I did not build this light. I merely took the data for this member and his builder to further advancement in the next build.

If you study the data, there are alot interesting preculiars things there.

Furthermore, I have to stress the visual brightness and PAR data is quite deceptive. To our eyes, the LED looks only half bright of the MH but the data proof orderwise!

Here is a picture of my led built will be posting about it shortly


Advanced Reefer
New Jersey
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The reason they got around is that they do not produce these fixtures in the USA. They are produced in Europe and imported to the US.

There is only one company in the US who has an agreement with Orbitec regarding LEDS.

Aqua Illuminations -

Rafal - dont get mad at me but - I cant beleive that pac sun is already coming out with a replacement to their fixture with Cree parts. Those fixtures bought a couple months ago are obeselete.

Aqua Illuminations held off on their fixtures so they could include this technology. Now everyone is jumpin on the wagon.


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Advanced Reefer
New Jersey
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Anytime u wanna stop by let me know,

besides the fact that they kick ass and after two weeks of use my electric went down 20 bucks. nada

oh wait and i have the blues at 80 and the whites at 50 percent.

These are sooo powerful i had a high light loving anemone close up, when i switched fixtures.


Advanced Reefer
Long Island
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The reason they got around is that they do not produce these fixtures in the USA. They are produced in Europe and imported to the US.

There is only one company in the US who has an agreement with Orbitec regarding LEDS.

Aqua Illuminations -

Rafal - dont get mad at me but - I cant beleive that pac sun is already coming out with a replacement to their fixture with Cree parts. Those fixtures bought a couple months ago are obeselete.

Aqua Illuminations held off on their fixtures so they could include this technology. Now everyone is jumpin on the wagon.

Please do not misunderstand the intentions of the new 3W systems. The 1W systems are definitely not obsolete. Its like the difference between T5 and MH. The 1W systems have been shown to work very well and give a full light spread much like how T5's are used. The 3W systems that we are releasing is for those who prefer much more focused power and a more MH spotlight look. There will be a clear difference in aesthetic appeal but both fixtures will be sold and it will be the user's opinion on which one they want to go with.


Advanced Reefer
New Jersey
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I dont think its like comparing t-5s to MH since they are both LEDS.

The Leds with Cree parts are more powerful and have better spread, so its safe to assume that that the 1w fixtures were not as strong as aqua illuminations. Which means Pacsun in an effort to keep up with other fixtures, will now use the better LEDS.

Correct they are better?

Im not trying to put down pacsun but i do have empathy for my reef buddies who systems are obselete.

When a new version of something comes out the old one becomes obselete. its doesnt mean it doesnt work it means that there was some room for improvement. Thats why i was hesitant to pull the trigger on the pac sun fixtures. It seemed like most fixtures were going with the cree parts since they use less energy and are more powerful.

I can also garuntee that these 3w fixtures will now be on par with aqua illuminations prices.


Advanced Reefer
Long Island
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Any patent lawyers around? I am thinking PacSun USA is still infringing on the patent if they are sold in the USA, regardless where they are made.

FYI, PFO was sued by Orbitel only after they moved their manufacturing operations to the US. The Pacsun lights are also not advertised as Aquatic Lights anywhere but only in discussions. They are deemed Solar Simulation Systems and Hydroponic Lighting solutions. The Company is not liable how the consumer wants to use the product.


Advanced Reefer
Long Island
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I dont think its like comparing t-5s to MH since they are both LEDS.

The Leds with Cree parts are more powerful and have better spread, so its safe to assume that that the 1w fixtures were not as strong as aqua illuminations. Which means Pacsun in an effort to keep up with other fixtures, will now use the better LEDS.

Correct they are better?

Im not trying to put down pacsun but i do have empathy for my reef buddies who systems are obselete.

When a new version of something comes out the old one becomes obselete. its doesnt mean it doesnt work it means that there was some room for improvement. Thats why i was hesitant to pull the trigger on the pac sun fixtures. It seemed like most fixtures were going with the cree parts since they use less energy and are more powerful.

I can also garuntee that these 3w fixtures will now be on par with aqua illuminations prices.

I disagree with your statement. The Crees don't have better spread. The 1W system has 180 degree spread. The Cree system have 40, 60, or 80 degree spread focus lenses. Those are the specification differences.

Again, I used the T5 to MH comparison not as a comparison to light but to aesthetic look. You get a full spread of refracting light through a tank that is powered by T5. You get a more spotlight look with MH. That is the only comparison I was using.

I emphasize that we are NOT discontinuing the 1W units. There is a fundamental difference between 1W spread units and 3W focal Units. That is one of the elementary arguments when comparing different units. That is one of the issues this thread was tackling when it was started by Warren. Pacsun has just decided to enter both markets. Thats all.


Fish and Coral Killer
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FYI, PFO was sued by Orbitel only after they moved their manufacturing operations to the US. The Pacsun lights are also not advertised as Aquatic Lights anywhere but only in discussions. They are deemed Solar Simulation Systems and Hydroponic Lighting solutions. The Company is not liable how the consumer wants to use the product.

Not a lawyer and I don't play one on TV, but IMO your "explanation" sounds lame.


Advanced Reefer
new jersey
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this tank, as well as google for snoho's tank - all under 1W for over 1year.
I mean - show me whats wrong with it?

The Leds with Cree parts are more powerful and have better spread, so its safe to assume that that the 1w fixtures were not as strong as aqua illuminations. Which means Pacsun in an effort to keep up with other fixtures, will now use the better LEDS.

Correct they are better?

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