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Recent content by bug0926

  1. Would this syringe work well for majano anemones?

    You just need to get the joe's juice on them before those close up, so anything would work that can do that.
  2. yellow tang

    Spinach should be fine, or just normal grazing and fish food also. I have a happy healthy yellow in a 120 and don't feed it special....it scavenges and eats whatever goes into the tank....
  3. Coco Worm

    I'm happy to report that my worm has returned to his/her healthy self. I feed my tank a ton and was hoping this would help with challenging coco worms. Probably more every other day than some people feed in a week or month. I'm of the mindset that these animals need to eat. Plus I have the...
  4. Green BTA Question

    It doesn't look good. Your don't need one to keep clowns. How many days have you had it?
  5. Coco Worm

    Ok, now I get it...boy am I dense.
  6. Coco Worm

    You mean taking the worm out of the tube? Coco worm tubes are white and solid....
  7. Coco Worm

    I think you were right. He's back out and looks better today.
  8. Coco Worm

    Thanks for the advice. Mine seemed to have been thriving for the 3 months that I've had it. I'll go get some DTs.
  9. Coco Worm

    Yes, I am aware of that. I was curious is this the sign of them dying or some other problem?
  10. Coco Worm

  11. Coco Worm

    I've had mine for about 3 months. Feeding it along with the tank cyclopeeze, phyto, bbs, mysis, etc. As of late it seems to be in it's tube more often thought it is still coming out regularly. Any ideas?
  12. It's that time - Power Outtages

    For longer outahges can't beat a generator, cheap insurance in my opinion. I lasted 7 days in the middle of a freezing winter with one...tank survived too.
  13. Podcast Interview with Eric Borneman

    Now available is Episode 9 of 120 Gallons An interview with Eric Borneman about breeding corals. Listen or download at http://www.120gallons.com Upcoming 120 Gallons Radio Live Episodes where you can listen live and call in with questions: October 21st - How not to be a reefkeeper. Learn...
  14. Bubble Algae Big Time!!!!

    An emerald crab will help. How much bubble algae do you have though? What are your water changes?
  15. red sea salt

    It's typically around 2-2.5 cups per 5 gallons. You should test with a refractomer though.
