Last week if you caught my previous topic about my octospawn issues.(slowly creeping upward from base)
I been monitoring my calcium levels which have dropped when I went away. The calcium was at 300 in an attempt to increase them I did a water change. In the mean time I went ahead and checked...
I guess the cause that I believed it was the issue was due to the small heads around the base. They are slowly going away as well. I would think the flesh around those portions would stay. But if it's seems fine sounds good to me.
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Anyone have any ideas for this.
Currently I have an issue with low Calcium which I am dealing with. But this actually has happened before that issue. My Octospawn grew out about 4 inches and split into 4 heads. The flesh from the bottom of the base has since move upward.
Any ideas. I feed...
Growth was very well to the point I was gonna frag it. Then I noticed the base tissue of the coral coming up. 3 weeks ago the tissue extended to the line where it is connected to the plug. Only thing that I have done to this coral is not feed it Mysis for a few weeks.
As you can see the...