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Recent content by GBryant890

  1. TDS or Conductivity meter confusion

    I guess you're right. On closer inspection, the price difference between the meters I'm looking at seem to be based on quality of construction rather than the cost of technology. I was looking at the Pinpoint Conductivity meter and the Sharp TDS meter. The Pinpoint has an accuracy of ±1% and a...
  2. TDS or Conductivity meter confusion

    I want to get a meter to measure the purity of my RO water. Which would be better suited to the task? The TDS meter and the conductivity meter measure different things, but do they both relate to water purity? The TDS meter is a lot cheaper. So, based on that, I'm leaning toward getting the TDS...
  3. Silicone question

    I'm looking to put a partition in a glass tank to make it a sump/refuge. I was looking in Home Depot and found the GE Silicone I. Does anyone have any experience with this? Would this work as an alternative to buying aquarium silicone? It said that it gives of a vinigar smell as it cures which...
  4. Heater Question

    I should be going for about 82 in my tank. Should I go with a heater size of 5 watts per gallon for saltwater like I do in freshwater? Less? More? I was thinking of picking up a pair of Pro Heat II 150 watt heaters for a 50 gal tank and 30 gal sump. Would I be better off with two 250 Watt...
  5. RO Water Filters

    I've got a question regarding the RO units. If I end up using many gallons of water to make one gallon of RO water. Can I save some water and attach the dirty water outflow of the unit to the same source as the inflow? If the water is forced past the filter at pressure wouldn't I get more...
  6. Quarantine First Fish?

    Is it necessary to quarantine the first fish I get? The only reason I can think to quarantine would be to make it easier to see if problems occur. Are there any other reasons to quarantine it? Or can I just save the fish some stress and acclimate the fish in the main tank.
  7. Questions regarding cycle

    I'm setting up a 50 gal with a 29 gal refuge/sump right next to it on a table built specifically for the tanks. My plan is to use a DSB and LR. I'm not going to put in corals yet, just fish for now. For the DSB, I'm searching local Home Depots for the Southdown play sand that people are talking...
