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Recent content by ReefBum1

  1. Odontanthias borbonius

    I snagged one a week and a half ago. The first couple of days it ate a little and hid in a cave. It then started to hang out in the top right corner of my tank and was not interested in food. I figured he was a goner due to a swim bladder issue. He is now back in the rock and eating a bit...
  2. some eye candy (borbonius, ventralis)

    I just snagged both the borbonius and ventralis this weekend from Oscars Exotic Fish in LA. I made a call last week and he snagged 2 borbonius from one of his suppliers in Hawaii. I believe he was going to put the other one in his show tank but I'm not positive. I paid $150 for mine so I was...
  3. Photo Contest #4: SPS Corals!

    Name: ReefBum Titlle: Birdsnest Camera: Nikon Coolpix 5700 Location: My 120G reef
  4. Contest #2: Clownfish

    Here is a shot of my mated pair of True Percs Name ReefBum Photo Title: Mated Pair True Percula Clownfish Photography equipment: Nikon Coolpix 5700 Location/Tank: My 120g Reef Tank URL: http://www.reefbum.com
  5. How can I stop my clown from choosing this host?

    i've had clownfish adopt a torch coral as well as a leather without any problems. the coral should adapt over time and i'd expect everything to be fine.
  6. It's almost time to move the tank. IT'S MOVED!

    maybe you have already assumed what i'm about to say, but make sure you siphon off and save as much of the current tank water as possible before it becomes cloudy. if you drain the cloudy water and re-use it when you set your tank back up there is a chance that RTN could occurr. i heard that...
  7. Painting the back of a tank, what color do you prefer?

    here's a shot of my tank when it was less than a year old. keep in mind that coraline algea in many reef tanks will cover most of the glass in the back, but i like black since it "deepens" the look.
  8. Perculas living in my frogspawn.

    i've had true percs take up residence in hammer corals and leathers with no adverse side effects on the corals. the adjustment period was short.
  9. Question for old timers on Iodide & Strontium

    imo, you wouldn't need to dose strontium and iodine if you used a calcium reactor
  10. how many fish in your reef tank?

    i've had up to 20 fish in my 120g sps dominated reef tank and i never had a problem. sounds like your tank is established so i would just make sure you introduce extra fish slowly.
  11. Chillers Coil vs. Flow-through

    based on my own experience, i would recommend an in-line unit. i have had an in-line Universal Marine 1/4 hp chiller for my tanks (first for my 90g and later for my current 120g) for over 8 years and i have had absolutely no problems. i've also heard drop in coil units can be problematic but i...
  12. EcoTech Marine

    i met one of the guys (extremely bright) running the company and he and ,i believe, his partner are college kids. the communication problem might be related to the start of the new college year. i wouldn't worry...i bought a unit from them and an email i sent with a question did get answered a...
