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New York, NY
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Thanks edge.
Now for your questions

1. Do you have added heat from that Odyssey fixture?
Probabaly a degree or two but not too much. My temps are usually at 78F.

2. Are those corals hard to maintain? I have no idea where to start with corals. I only have my lights on for about 4 hours right now. I supposed that is OK for 1 fish.
The corals I have are somewhat easy to maintain. I started off with some zoas and palys. I dose seachem fusion 2 part to keep up with the demands of the corals.

3. How long has your tank been setup? Mine has been running for about 1 month and I already have 1 fish. I am not sure if I am moving too fast but I would love to add some more life to the tank
I had it set up since January this year. I cycled the tank (fishless) with live rock, live sand for about a month. Added clean up crew, then a few starter frags and lastly the fishes.
Patience is key here as nothing comes up right when rushing thngs in reefing.


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Long Island, NY
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Thanks for your quick responses. Your information was very helpful.

I will leave my tank as is and let it continue maturing for another month or so before I attempt any corals. The tank is already so small and require a lot of monitoring so I don't want to mess it up in its' infancy stages.

I will definitely seek advice on this forum..



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New York, NY
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Some new stuff in tank.
Torch coral


Tequila Sunsrise


Pinoy Valentine

Pink and Gold Paly

Not so new stuff



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Long Island, NY
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Great additions..beautiful setup!!!
I am thinking of making a trip to MA tomorrow to look at the corals..I still have the one clownfish..I actually had to leave the country for a few days for an emergency and was expecting the worse when I came back.
To my surprise the fish survived 5 days with no food and water barely evaporated..

Tank is operating well. Doing first water.change tomorrow..wish me luck..



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New York, NY
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Hey edge how was the trip at MA? Haven't been there for quite a long long time already.
How did theis your tank doing now? Hope all's well. Patience is key to this little tank.

So I got a green chromis and a couple of sexy shrimps from nanoaquatic yesterday.
I'll be posting these new inhabitants in the tank when I get the chance to snap some photos of them.


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Long Island, NY
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Hi Jeff,

I actually did not make it to MA yet. Tank is doing great so far. Water parameters seem stable and my clean up crew and clownfish are doing great.

I am going to check out Kissena Aquariums in queens tomorrow. I may buy some small frags for the tank. Zoas, mushrooms and xenias were recommended for the Edge.
I will also take your advice on dosing with seachem..Do you feed your corals anything? I was reading about spot feeding corals but I guess that depends on what corals you have.

So much to learn but so far, I think I am off to a great start.


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New York, NY
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So I was about to check and snap some pics of the new green chromis and sexy shrimps in the tank that I got from Ryan of nanoaquatic. As I was looking for it, i saw it upside down on the sandbed.
It was a bit inactive even before and after my more than an hour drip acclimation before transfer into the tank last night.
I thought it was just a bit shy being new to the tank as it was not swimming about when introduced.
The sexy shrimps are a bit hard to locate as they seem to have found the torch coral in one of my tank corner.
Bummer as I was excited with the chromis and the nice color it adds to my tank.


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New York, NY
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@edge2011 - I do drip acclimation on fishes and inverts but I am guilty of not doing so for corals. I just let temps equilibriate but no drip methods for corals.

@MVS - Thanks for the frogspawn colony. I had the bigger colony still intact and waiting for it to open up. The smaller pieces I fragged. I used my dremel to cut the dead heads off and ended up with 3 1 head frags.


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New York, NY
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Since you asked, here are pics of the purple tip frogspawn colony.:biggrin:


Side shot

My clownfishes immediately expanded their home.
I cut off a couple of small heads from this colony. Let me know if you need some purple tip frogspawn edge2011 for your tank.


Advanced Reefer
Long Island, NY
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WOW! Just when I thought your tank could not get any better. :)

I picked up some zoas, a torch coral and a small ricordea over the weekend.

Would love to add frogspawn. Is it safe to add since I just added some corals over the weekend? I know, with fish, you have to give it time before you add more.

Can you PM me price and location?



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New York, NY
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Just an update on the full tank shot of the edge

A little more closer.

One of my acans seem to have shriveled up for an unknown reason as my other acans and an acan head of a different color morph in the same rock are doing well.

My GSP also hasn't opened up fully eversince I had the PC light installed but I see a few open up but not fully in the last few days.

Some red slime is appearing on the sand and some rocks so I cut back the light to 7 hours and already plopped in a new bag of chemipure elite in the filter. Hope this fixes everything up.

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