I dosed nitrates into the system again for about 2 weeks the methanol tube was out of the methanol dosing air into the denitrifier instead of methanol.. I was wondering where the green was coming from.. today I found out.. this really sucks but I'll have it together in about 2 weeks..
The colors on the corals are still good but the green algae is not ..
Also just switched bulbs again to the xm 10k 250 watt.. In 3 months I'll be switching to the helios 20k's..
Lol most people say the same thing when I speak about my denitrifier.. Now I'm really starting to realize how complicated this piece of equipment is.. But at least me making minor mistakes doesn't have catastrophic results.. It just creates more tang food..
Thanks Kathy and Josh.. I think the key is keeping them from competing with the fish for food and they'll let the fish live... This has worked for me for a long time now..
More shots of my 2 commensal or acro crabs.. I took them out of their colonies to take pictures I know that's wrong, but it's all in the name of photography,lmao