hi guys i have a 55 gallon set up with live rock and live sand i have a oddesya light and fluval fx5. i have set up my tank for about 1 month and a half. i started with 2 fishes then i got 14 fishes. now i have 8 alive the rest died. my tank specifics is ammonia 1ppm , nitrite 0, nitrate 10ppm, spg 1.024 ,ph 8.2. my ammonia is takening to long to go up . my cycle is dragging. i dont know what to do . my friend says there is a water that has about 10million bacterias i think . its that water that if u dont want to cycle u just buy 55 gallon worth and u cycle is done. i put 5 gallon . didint do crap for what i know . maybe i need to buy 35gallons of it. pls help sorry for writin so much . thanks u all .