Ugh the frustration. I have myself a lovely Biocube 29 where I've removed the bioballs and then the sponge between chamber 2 and 3. Currently using a stock biocube filter, but plan on using plain filter foam once I get my levels in check. I have a heater in chamber 1, tunze skimmer in chamber 2, and upgraded to MJ1200 in return chamber...also put in a Koralia nano for extra flow...what's in the tank? a few dwarf blue hermits, some snails, one of those halloween looking crabs and a reef hermit that is too big and needs a new home. Heck, I even have some chaeto hanging out in there for good measure. The problem? My nitrates are off the chart. My nitrites are 0, my ammonia is 0, pH is around 8 and the salinity is 1.020 range. I've got a nice amount of live rock and sand, but my guess is that the original issue was buying uncured rock from a few LFS. I don't know at this point...I'm just frustrated...prematurely bought some things at Greenwich Aquaria which ended up being eaten by the reef crab or just dying and then being eaten. I've done quite a few w/c including did an 8gal water change this weekend and still getting high nitrates...can anyone help? Oh I use Walmart R/O water with Instant Ocean salt. I appreciate any help I can get...I'd love to have some livestock one day as this thing has been cycling since 7/12.
Here is the FTS
is this cyano? should I just take out the piece and boil or chuck it?
Sorry for long post and fuzzy iPhone pics, but I'm just saddened by this whole thing :frown:
Here is the FTS
is this cyano? should I just take out the piece and boil or chuck it?
Sorry for long post and fuzzy iPhone pics, but I'm just saddened by this whole thing :frown: