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I don't. I do have some chemipure elite and purigen that i purchased, but haven't put in yet...not sure if i should put that in and it will balance levels or wait to get levels taken care of first and put in the chemipure, etc. for maintenance.


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alright dude or dudette, check it. Disolve a small amount of your io salt in a glass of ro water and a glass of tap. if the nitrates come high their is a good chance it is the salt mix itself. Had that problem a while ago with tainted salt. secondly add chemi pure elite to help reduce and remove the cyano(red slime). LAstly there are no real light dependant creatures in your tank so leave the lights off for most of the day. except when you wish to view. Load it up with corals, watch the amount of fish you buy and be very careful with feeding. hope this helps(ed)
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I've never been a big fan of all these fancy products I like establishing a stasys using simple nattural methods. That's just how I feel. I don't claim to be right.

When I established my nano reef years ago I did so with macro algae. it competes for nutriants with the things you don't want and it is easy to remove when you're ready.

obviously the slime already ahs a leg up so you are goign to need to remove it. When you do your water change you can scrub your rocks off while syphoning the freed slime away. turn the pumps off while doing this.
Upper East Side
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I would avoid placing the extra chemicals in the tank.

(1) Blow the cyano off of the rock and suck it out with a turkey baster. You don't need to rinse it with fresh water or throw it away or anything.

(2) Are you sure your nitrates are that high? What test kit are you using?

(3) Assuming they are that high, the best thing you can do it a huge water change OR several smaller water changes on a daily basis. If you did 5-10 gallons per day for a week, you should bring the nitrates down quick swiftly.

(4) You should add carbon and GFO to your system. The phosban reactors work well for this, but at the very least you could put it in a filter sock in one of the compartments in the back of the cube.

Good luck.


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I am using the Salifert Nitrates Test Kit. I may end up be able to do a big w/c this weekend considering I have tix for Sat & Sun Mets games and well we won't go there. I will look into the phosban reactors and such. Will the Chemipure Elite (and or Purigen) I have lying around work in this capacity? Thanks for all the help!


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ok, so when you mess up I guess you have to admit it! Apparently I was reading the test wrong (big surprise). I have the Salifert kit and you have to look at the color FROM THE TOP, while I was looking from the side (which is happens to be the low range test). So I tested today after doing a change of what seemed like more than 50%, but only 10gallons of the PetCo water....I guess those rocks displace a lot eh? So looking from above at the coloring my levels are around 20-25 PPM. I have another 10gallons of PetCo water...hmm, what next?


Barnum Island
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... couldn't resist...lol
You are FAR from the first person to read the instructions to a Salifert kit incorrectly :) Welcome to the club :spin:

Wait a day or two and do another change and see how much further they come down. You don't want to shock the tank by changing too much water at once (massive water changes should only be done when there is a true emergency and it is a necessity).


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Ah... well I bought some great xenia and GSP frags from scunfcu on here and he ate all the xenia and most of the GSP over night...lol....so I banished him to a bucket after that...the local PetGoods on Central Ave over here took him, so he is going to be living life over there (hopefully)...got a couple more nassarius snails and a random zoa frag... the happiness came yesterday when I realized that some GSP lived and was growing! I ordered a baby clown and he's coming on Thurs...cross fingers!

Bob 1000

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Staten Island
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ok, so when you mess up I guess you have to admit it! Apparently I was reading the test wrong (big surprise). I have the Salifert kit and you have to look at the color FROM THE TOP, while I was looking from the side (which is happens to be the low range test). So I tested today after doing a change of what seemed like more than 50%, but only 10gallons of the PetCo water....I guess those rocks displace a lot eh? So looking from above at the coloring my levels are around 20-25 PPM. I have another 10gallons of PetCo water...hmm, what next?

I always look through the side it's almost the same thing... If it's not clear from the side, it's not good for me...

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