OK, THIS IS Based On My Expierience>.............
I've had 2 aiptasia issue's in 8 years in this hobby.to me the biggest aiptasia pass along is in macro algae. I vowed to never, ever put some algae specially Cheato in my system again without QT it in separate tank until I'm sure it contains no pest.
In my experience:
Copperband fish: waste of time and money. Most people can't get a copperband to survive in there systems never-less to eat aiptasia. There very picky eaters.
Kalk and aiptasia x: Waste of time and money. They always seem to come back because you can never get to those hard to see areas there growing in.
Peppermint shrimp: Waste of time and money, If your feeding meaty foods in your tank. they will never pay attention to the aiptasia.
In both of my problems the only thing that has proved to work are the berghia nudibranch. I had a aiptasia issue thanks to a person i got a bunch of cheatos that was infested with aiptasia. I saw them growing like weeds in my refuge. I shut my 90 gallon refuge down and through out all the contents that were in the fuge but it was too late. i found about 25 aiptasias in my 340 gallon display. I bought 12 berghia nudi's and through them in the tank. I never saw one again and 6 months later thank god i have not seen 1 aiptasia in my tank since, i also have never seen a nudi in the tank either.
PPL, Please do not get offended by my comments, please remember that This is Solely base ON My Experiences:
So if you ask me, don't waste your time on anything but the nudi's and buy as many Nudi's as you can and please a very slow acclimation before you introduce to your tank and sit back and let them go to work. Also make sure your fish don't eat them when you put them in the tank. make sure they make it to a rock.