Uhhh.... why you looking at the fish tank if you got a Black Maserati in the back and a Ferrari.... and seriously... if they are yours.... please tell me what you do for a living =D
stop u guys are gonna scare him off the site. hes a doctor or a lawyer, or a drug dealer, with nice cars, lol just joking, dont take that serious at all, looking foward to the build tho
hey man we have something in common -- we like fish --- And I also work for Ferrari/Maserati .... If you need anything let me know .... I love the challenge wheels!!
Hey Chuck your right on the money . I'm a Ferrari/Maserati tech & am very pleased to meet you . Do you work at W.W.O.C . If so if you see a new BMW tech named Ray tell him Jaymo said hi . chuck call me maybe we set up school together & stay some extra time in Milan don't mean to make the rest of you jealous but yes me & Chuck hav some of the coolist jobs on the planet . Mike Rowe needs to do a new series called Coolest Jobs . call me 203-249-0996