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Long Island
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to all have a problem my temp is going up and down don't have a chiller is there anyway i can solve my problem with out using a chiller. If not what chiller you will recommend for use in a 20g sump/ref with a 75gL mix reef display. I think it may be the source of my ich problem:shhh:


renegade reefer
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what kind of light u using?? i use a azoo 4 unit fan when mh r running blowing air on the surfice of the water and i a have a jbj 1/1o chiller but it dont come on that much on 65g dt an 25g sum/fuge i get abou 2 degree in temp swing now and 3 degree in the summer
Long Island
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using 2x150 MH 4xt'5 2xfans in light system also the problem may also be the light in my sump just remember that since i started to leave it on 24/7 temp problem started.just changed the bulb temp is at 76 for now we will see what happens when the display come on.


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2to 4 is not that much 74 is a littl low tho 77 to 79 would be better at least that were i keep my tank and i an not having any issue
A sudden 2-4 degree drop or increase in temp. is a big difference to some fish and corals more so in a small tank .I am not saying a chiller is a must, that is totally up to you to decide but it would definitely make life for you and your animals less stressfull.


Experienced Reefer
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Try adding a fan (as already suggested) blowing across the top of the tank. I have a 7" fan blowing across the top of 125g and the temp stays at 79 deg +/- 1.

I use a long glass scientific thermometer to check the temp.

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