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its funny i was never "green"or ever even thought about it until the last few years after having tanks.and reading so much lately makes me care a lil more then i did.


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lol......I just ask a question was it right if the water being waisted had a faster flow then the pure water we made a whole new thread out of. thats what makes MR..MR. I love this place
Jersey City NJ
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lol......I just ask a question was it right if the water being waisted had a faster flow then the pure water we made a whole new thread out of. thats what makes MR..MR. I love this place

I dont have a ro unit and i didnt know it wasted so much water now i am having second thoughts on buying one. Anyway Pm when you have that wet dry ready lol but believe it or not alot of good info in this thread


Barnum Island
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LMAO!!! Well sometimes if everyone answered with just a yes or no with no other info nobody would learn anything about this hobby

...and we would have very boring, short threads :)

oh..but the water bill..thats a whole different story!! hehehe
Nice thing is water is still cheap. I used 7,000 g in December and the bill was only $35.

btw - some who capture the waste water from their Ro/di use it to water gardens, wash laundry.
Best to keep your membrane and other ro/di filters on the clean side (as in before they get too dirty) and the unit will work much more efficiently!


PADI Dive Inst
New York
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We cannot forget that water is priced locally. Go out west and see how much fresh water costs. Or in Australia.
Just because a resource is cheap doesn't mean you can feel cavalier about wasting it.
That is a very shortsighted mentality. I thought we were more enlightened than that in this hobby.

I use RODI and I feel guilty about it. But I try to make up for it in other ways.

When the economic cost of water reaches the global level we will then start collecting rain water.

Don't forget gasoline used cost pennies, now it costs much more.

Also, since I feel like ranting some more;

Switch, how can you have algae outbreaks? You were just bragging about how skimmers and RODI were a waste of money and we should all use Turf scrubbers. Something lacking with your setup now?


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Ok so if people are so concerned about waste water from ro units- then why do the same people as soon as someone asks how to set up a tank EVERYBODY'S first recommendation is an ro unit?

I know we waste a lot but like Kathy pointed out you can use the waste water for laundry or watering a garden, so we arent necessarily wasting all that water- and what about the new homes being constructed now a days? Theyre putting ro units without di filters for peoples drinking water-- to me those are wasting FAR more than we do. I only use mine for my water in my aquarium not to cook with or to drink.

Yes it wastes some water- so go with tap water and use prime- have algae breakouts and a tank your not completely happy with, never to mention your fridge door smellin like farts from storing the prime.

AND the reason for gas prices are strictly because OPEC runs the free world. You havent noticed that theyll announce that production of crude oil is actually up sometimes during the same week the price per gallon will jump 3 cents? They dont run on supply and demand they operate under well supply them and demand they pay us more.

Sorry didnt mean to rant but feel the ro waste topic is getting a little crazy he just wanted to know why his waste water flowed faster than his pure water into his container and somehow the prices of gas came into play.... Thats a little crazy.
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IN my 2 small tanks 20 long and 10 gal.not the 90. the 90 is fine the scrubber is great no problems with that..and still dont think im go 2 use ro di seems so wasteful.in this day we cant make a better system???bet other parts of the world has better equipment..


PADI Dive Inst
New York
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As I said we shouldn't be so cavalier about it.

And you have no idea why gas is so expensive. OPEC has less to do with it than speculation by American investment banks.

And not caring about how much water you consume because of NYC fire hydrant summer usage is just plain wrong and a bad way to justify anything.

Sent from my iPhone using Reefs


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Imbarrie- didnt say thats how I justify anything- Have I ever said that ro units dont waste a lot of water? Don't believe so- Nor would I ever- Im not an argumentative type guy- everyone vents sometimes you di others have and I did. Didnt mean to seem that way but the gasoline cost thing was a little off well in my eyes way off topic. Dont mean to come off like a jerk or a know it all- just stated that OPEC has a large part in setting price per barrel of crude oil- and some weeks from the time I was in the Army 95-99 would come on the news stations in TX where I was stationed that the price of crude went up that week even though production of crude was up by a percentage-- was what I meant. I dont think anyone is cavalier about wasting natural resources but pointed out a waste of water most people dont realize happens to the level it does- most people drive through a small part of the boros and see 1 or 2. Doesnt dawn on many that sooo many are done throughout the city. Plus some of the other things you see done with them for construction crews and what not. So please dont misconstrue the type of person I am I assure you I am a descent person- and not the type to push MY opinions on people.<-- dont want to become public enemy number 1 because I feel a lot worse waste happens than our ro units.


one frag at a time
New york
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Jimmy dont worry bout imbarrie, seems like he wants to rant on every thread, we know what u meant, until they find a way to make rodi's more effective we are all equally wasteful, life goes on


PADI Dive Inst
New York
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Ok, no worries. Dont want to blow this into something it is not.

A large part of my life I have lived on boats and on Caribbean islands where the is no fresh water. To get a drink you have to desalinate it through RODI. I made hundreds of gallons per day through 1000+ psi systems and I appreciate the value of that process in a much different way than someone who is used to just turning on a faucet. Our input was seawater so there was no concern over the waste water, just the amount of energy required to squeeze seawater through those filters.

To get to my point, whenever I see and hear how much water is taken for granted still shocks me even after moving here 7 years ago. Fresh water is cheap and available here, but even in other parts of this country it is still a rare commodity. I know households in the US that collect rain water from their roofs into cisterns because it is better than the city water they get.

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