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I heard that a Booster pump may increase how much actual pure water you produce in relation to the water you waste but I have yet to try it. Its funny that in trying to create your own little ecosystem you end up being so environmentally unfriendly.


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From what I was always told in the last year the booster pumps only help to bring the water pressure to the unit up to help it perform to what its rated to do. It needs at least 60-70 psi if you dont have that it wont perform well at all. But thats all a booster will do for you.


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ok thanks just seems like a lot of waste water.can u do anything "good" with the waste water?ruffly say making 50 gallons of rodi how many gallons of waste water thanks


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Its funny that in trying to create your own little ecosystem you end up being so environmentally unfriendly.
agreed seems like sooooooo much waste water is not a good thing. has 2 be a better way or something.i want to upgrade to rodi.i get algae outbreaks every so often after 2-3 years im getting mad when it happens now.but i dont want to go wasting so much water any other way????thanks


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Guys lets not blow our waste water from ro units out of proportion. Were chump change when it comes to waste water- am a NYC firefighter the city has us turn on hydrants in the summer for kids once its over 95- the ones we do we put a sprinkler cap on the outlet and we turn it on just enough to wet them down and we go back 3 hours later or so to turn em off-BUT all the hydrants that the residents turn on themselves with pipe wrenches- and they turn on hundreds across the city, is why you hear the news on super hot days telling residents to shut them off because it makes the ones we have to use at a fire down the road not have enough pressure to do our job- they turn them on full blast a hydrant in the city is capable of flowing right around 1000- 2000 gallons a minute depending on the size of the main.......

Times that by lets go low at 120 hydrants throughout the 5 boros- for 8 hours- on a small main- so well say 1000 gallons a minute- in those 8 hours each hydrant wasted 480,000 gallons of water- times that by 120!- yes it goes back into the sewer system and gets recycled but so does the water we "waste" from our ro units. It goes back into the system to get treated and recycled.

So for me to waste 60 gallons to make 20 that I use? I dont feel so bad- AND this waste is only what I know in my small world of the FDNY I can only imagine how much water is wasted that the other entities throughout the city and state know about that we dont.

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