Hi, just wanted to share some pics of my new magnifica. I currently have a pair of clownfish (male and female), and they absolutely LOVE it.
Completely agree with this statement...
According to this thread: http://www.manhattanreefs.com/forum...altwater-tank-5-weeks-old-need-some-tips.html your tank is barely 2 months old and about only a month out of cycling....getting a magnifica already was not the brightest idea and to see such a nice anemone die because of ignorance and lack of patience is a real shame....
ohh now that this come up i would like to know too. what else has to cycle after the nitrogen cycle? because everyone also tells me ive been rushing stuff but i just dont know like what else has to happen because my ammonia has never gonna up and the ph and everything is stable so like what else has to go on before its like completely done and i can add stuff whenever i want?
There are many different cycles your tank goes through in the first year... The nitrogen cycle is just the largest and most dangerous cycle. Your tank is not fully stable until about a year and anemones aren't recommended before 6 months of your tank being set up. Magnificas are already hard to keep even for experts because they do horribly in shipping. Should be kept for mature tanks and those who have the knowledge and time to care for them.
Thank you, at least one of the younger members on this site has some brains
not only one of the harder initially, but they require heavy lighting and flow which this tank has neither of
not planning on getting one any time soon but just curious would a tunze wave box be enough flow if i do decide to get one? and a vortech or 2 later on?
my mag loves the the long pulse setting on my mp10. i set it pretty short maybe 20 seconds and it keeps the mag lifted and super happy.
I didnt reply to this post before because i dont want to be harsh, but if you think that mag looks good. please dont buy a mag..
well in the future i just wanted an anemone with a clown fish hosting it. no specific kind of anemone i just saw the mag with clowns hosting it so i thought it would be a good choice but im open to any other suggestions i you have any.
Ocellaris and perculas host bubble tip anemones very well. You also have saddleback clowns hosting carpet anemones very well. As a beginner you should start with a bubble tip anemone but like reeftanker mentioned, you should wait 6 months before trying out an anemone. Other hardy anemones include condy and sand anemones which don't generally host clowns but they're the hardiest and probably the best to start with
yes i bought a condy thinking it was a seabae for $6 in petco but it was mislabeled. but i never go there anymore because of multiple reasons 1 because of what i just mentioned. second because they sold me a saltwater fish in a freshwater tank and said they were extremely hard to take care of and always died. the fish was hardier then a blue damsel when i put it in my tank. it went through soooo much but unfortunately it gut pulled into a powerhead and i even had a grill on it but it still got in i dont know how. and third because i went there once and im not even joking there was a dead fish in every single tank.
I would suggest a bubble tip also. that was my first anemone and I have it for 3 years before I sold it, and started my 2 year long search for a healthy Magnifica (local since i dint want it shipped)
here are some vids
this is my mag 2 hours after i added it to my tank. the flow is off to let him get settled.
this is him 3 days later. with the flow on.