This is today's BS,
I am well aware that you received 3 replacements. The Blue-Sided Fairy Wrasse and the Blue- Dot Jaw-fish each require an additional$10.00 charge for shipping and handling. You invoice shows $99.96 which is for your items purchased and our website it states you will be charged an extra $5.00 for the credit card processing fee which would be a total of $104.63 plus the $20.00 for the shipping of your replacements.
I am well aware that we have caller id however if you do not leave a voice-mail we don't know the reason why you are calling resulting in the reason why you never received a phone call back. If you are trying to insinuate that we were ignoring your calls that is not the case we were either on the other line with a customer or were closed.
If you lost more fish within the 48 hour guarantee why did you not send pictures? We have no way of knowing what survived and what died within that 48 hours unless you send pictures.
No one lied to you or coned you. Our guarantee is very simple and clear if read. Have a good day.
Aquatic Connection Live
On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 1:50 AM,