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  1. 14 days in

    I'm the furthest from an expert but in my experience if you change the direction of your powerhead more towards some rock has lowered the amount of diatom build up , but then again I could have gotten lucky as well
  2. BTA Or fake?

    My lfs claims that you will not find a "real" BTA or rbta for less then 100 anywhere and if you do then it is faked an usually an acorn anemone. I tried to research acorn and I can't find anything that looks like an anemone especially a BTA? I found this bta for 70$ but did not want to buy it...
  3. DUNCAN DOWN!! Help

    Great cant wait for that but how did the new heads start? There is a Eco-skeleton lookin like figure right next to it I was wondering if that how it starts ? @cibo that's awesome I hand feed 2-3 mysis shrimp 2 times a week, and target feed with phydo-plankton once a week. How often did you feed...
  4. DUNCAN DOWN!! Help

    It actually opened up since it happened but it's lookin beat up posted a picture here
  5. DUNCAN DOWN!! Help

    I have a health Duncan frag happy living at the bottom of my aquarium until a lose button polyp found its way next to him and was resting on the backside where I couldn't see it. I noticed the duncan closing and shilling up as if I touched it and I found the polyp ... Now it's in a small green...
  6. Moving Sale!

    Do you still have the 75g?
  7. Did I screw myself

    No good ? I do think that's it is there anything I can add? Led? I'm going to upgrade around December to 50-60 gal but I don't wanna waste on lighting for my 20g if I can't use it later on
  8. Did I screw myself

    Thanks for the response aqua, I have a deep blue HO t5 30" dual light white red and blue atinic not sure about watt I can check later but my lfs told me bta would be more difficult and needs higher lighting so I turned to the sebae
  9. 60 Gallon tank stand and canopy( Swedesboro NJ)

    How tall is it with the stand ?
  10. Did I screw myself

    Thank you appreciate the advice
  11. Did I screw myself

    It's been about 3 months I introduced it last week seems to be happy with its new buddy hosting. My lfs said that it would be a better fit then a bubble tip because the BT Needa stronger light. I got it from captivating coral and mike suggested I go with that, seems to know his stuff and is...
  12. Did I screw myself

    Marine land 350 I believe is my hang on filter just ordered a limestone slimmer just any benefit I can get out of it. I water change 10% every week using reef crystal. I have noticed the clown (female i believe) does not like when the damsel goes anywhere near the anemone (sebae) the damsel...
  13. Did I screw myself

    Hey all I'm new to all this just had a brief question I recently got into the hobby and started up a 20g tank not really knowing what I was doing but am learning and takin the right steps to success (so I hope) but I think I I blew it before I begun. I currently have 4 fish in my aquarium so my...
