Trust me, I do understand that you, and others, place no credence in the W & S study. Whether you are in the majority or minority on this is somewhat besides the point. There do exist people who do find their results illuminating. What I am trying to find, perhaps, is a possible answer as to how what you and Chuck are experiencing can be reconciled with the study.
As for Eric, first he certainly has shared information with me, so clearly our experiences on this point is different. Second, I don't know what you are referring to in terms of blocking an article by him. So if you care to fill me in, that would be swell. That said, as Eric is a scientist and I am an attorney, I can understand some of the reasons to protect intellectual property, particularly in this age of the Internet. I can also understand that why, as a scientist, Eric's higher bar for success, and more importantly, understanding why the success, is of great importance.
Additionally, let's remember, we live in the United States, we are, in varying degrees, a capitalistic society, and Eric makes his living as a marine biologist. Sometimes such crass things as earning money takes precedence. Finally, no one is holding a gun to any of our heads requiring that we take on the task of keeping dendros, and the like, alive in our tanks. No one, I am aware of, has been more vocal in warning hobbyists of the perils of trying to keep these colonies than Eric. I am not sure I will pose your questions to Eric. My focus, as I intimated, is trying to gain a greater understanding of the science in all of this.
P.S. That line about not holding a gun to our heads is, of course, not true for me

. Despite my LFS's (Sean Bailey of Aquatic World here in Chicago) request to his wholesaler not to send him any dendros, what appears to be one, was sent to him. He gave it to me so I can give it the best opportunity for survival. I think Sean's ethos about all of this is worth commendation. I will post a picture later.