the tank is running now My brother did a water change on saturday and I just did one yesterday when I came back! All my water parameters are good and stable temp is 77 thank god its a quick fix
Mark, I am soooooooooooooooooooo sorryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to read this!!!
Mark, I don't have much that is ready to be fragged. But if you pm your email I will send pics of a couple of zoa that I can give you some of. I can also frag you a piece off of my Padua Neon Green Nepthea. I know you stated you don't want any leathers, but I know the Padua is a magnificently beautiful leather that is still very desirable.
Only other problem is that I am more then likely not going to make it to the swap meet at Pace.
it happen to me too went to atlantic city friday night came back sunday night all my fish is dead ... the following day the tank broke 300 gallon .. soorry to hear that man . i have some zoas can come to pick it up .
Nice to see lots of offers of donations by the MR folks..we do take care of our own!:grouphug:
Anything mechanical we deal with always opens the door for failure at some point. Heaters are one of the possibly most damaging pieces of equipment we deal with unfortunately.
Always best to use multiple heaters (2 of them -equaling the total wattage you would normally run with a single heater) in ANY tank - twofold reasoning - if one fails the other will maintain a temp to allow our creatures to live until the issue is caught and secondly, if one overheats, it won't get to the water to a point so warm as to cook the same creatures.
One more suggestion..always a good idea to leave the name & number of a trusted local reefer with whoever you have watching your tank. They will be best equiped to come over quickly and offer the fastest care when it goes downhill.
Kudos to your brother for doing a water change right away!
Thank you everyone I am so happy that everyone is giving and always willing to help out a fellow addicted reefer! This is one of the reason MR is a great community of friends to all the people that I know here on MR i treat you guys as a family as we all share the same addiction. I applaud you all for being generous and caring!
as for the heater I am running 2 right now lol I can't let this happen again!
I have some hairy mushrooms with you want it. I live right by the swap so let me know. just might need a dremel or something not sure if it will just come of the rock. But its yours if you want it.
Mark, sorry for your loss man.. Hit me up I have a couple of things I can donate to get you started as well.. Lesson learned here, I'm ordering another heater tomorrow..
Don't know how I missed this thread. So very sorry for your loss. Are you going to the swap? If yes, make sure you seek us out. We'll be donating something to you to get you back on track.
Mark im sorry to hear about your loss buddy.....The only thing I can say is that it is an expensive lesson. In the meantime...I have over 3 dozen zoas and you can have any one you would like..... I would even give you some Purple Hornets to get your started..:splitspin..Don't get discouraged buddy we are here for you..