added the rest of the sps nick had for me and everything is very happy... which is a good thing.
going to be running carbon for about another week then going to be running phosar... skimmer is finally working and still havent checked my levels except nitrates and salinity :shhh: :lol2:
added the 2 koralia 3's and thankgod i went with the 3's cause it worked out perfectly
That's a lot of frags Tony. It should look great when they grow in. I can't tell which is what from the pics, everything blue See if your camera has a manual white balance. Keep it up!
well im going to be redoing the rock work today (mainly because i have to get a dead fish out that got sucked into the intake of my closed loop < poor fish > ) any ideas guyz. im doing this after work today and thinking of breaking up some rocks to do a better looking rock structure :idea: :scratch: throw some ideas my way :biggrin: TIA
hey guy quick question for all the painters out there what would be a good waterbased paint to look good with the base of the tank. any suggestions would greatly b appreciated