Being this thread is about my tank I would like to update it.
By the way Happy Mother's Day tomorrow.
My tank is running very well. There are no algae issues or anything else. All of my paired fish are spawning including the mandarins, 3 pairs of cardinals, clown gobies and fireclowns, one of which is 19 years old. (I think, give or take 2 years)
I still feed the same thing including blackworms, Mysis and clams every day with the new born brine shrimp but I added white worms which I raise in potting soil and feed Cheerios and Matzo's with fish oil on it. I am not sure if any of my worms are Jewish, but they seem to relish Matzo's. During the last Jewish holidays the supermarket gave away 10 boxes of Matzo's to everyone so I have a lifetime supply. The white worms eat a 2"X2" piece of Matzo in 2 days or 10 Cheerios. I like to feed these dry foods to the worms because it soaks up the fish oil really well, but it gives the worms horrible fish breath.
The Possum wrasse pictured above is coming near the front of the tank to get to the worms and is looking great. I would like to get another one to see if they mate. My shrimp/gobies also above should spawn as soon as the tiny one gets larger, but now that their tunnel and shrimp have been confiscated by the larger Watchman they are homeless and I don't know how they will fare like that. I am looking for another shrimp for them.
Next week I should be getting a Janss Pipefish. I ordered one from a wholesaler who owes me something. They are in stores here and are hard to find but one of the most beautiful pipefish.
I acquired this dragon faced pipefish a week ago and he spends his time hunting pods or eating the numerous new born brine I add every day.
The corals are growing nicely and I am running low on room because of the acropora, whenever I stick my hand in the tank, I break off a piece, then I have to glue it someplace and now those tiny frags are growing all over the place and making it difficult to do any maintenance in the tank. The montipora is giving me the same problem as that is also delicate and breaks off easily. I am trying to take a decent picture.
Copperband tried a few bites of the pipefish, but now ignores him
Whiteworms feasting on an oil infused piece of Matzo.