How are you going to let it cycle - will you use the supermarket shrimp to start the cycle?
A Sailfin Tang??? While I am not a member of the Tang police (I can't be I have one in a not to correctly sized tank myself...) but that is a BIG fish for a 55g tank. Probably not a good idea
The Kole Tang is pushing the boundaries on tank size, but it will probably be fine as it is not aggressive.
Six Line Wrasse - If I had a nickle for every person who has regretted buying one of these fish, I'd be rich. Too often they turn into very nasty adult fish and antagonize all of the other fish in a tank, most especially anything new that gets added. IMO they aren't valuable enough for what they are supposedly good for (eating flatworms..why do you have a flatworm issue already...I didn't think so...) to outweigh their nasty attitude.
IMO there are dozens of other wrasses that are much better reef citizens and that are colorful and non-aggressive that you could put into the tank
A pair of clowns - perfect, great little fish :fish:
A Flaming Angle Fish eh? lol You might be better off calling it a Flame Angel Fish
A great fish, adds great color to a tank. Some of these unfortunately turn out to be nippers of have about a 50/50 chance. I had one who never bothered any corals, but I kept it well fed.
If you get this guy, add him last because they do tend to establish a territory and will defend it from any new fish added afterward.
Yellow Watchman Goby - another nice fish. Just be careful and put a cover on the tank as these guys are inclined to jump.
Please rethink the addition of the Sailfin Tang, the tank really isn't appropriate for one of those.