Hawaii SB1240 Could Devastate Fishery

by | Jun 3, 2017 | Conservation, Fish, Industry, Sustainability | 2 comments

As some of you may know, there has been a big pushback on the collection of fishes from Hawaii for many years now. Legislation has been written to fully close down the Hawaii fishery (meaning no more Hawaiin fish collection), greatly limit the Hawaiian fishery, and everything in between. Every time the bill’s have not passed, until now.

Hawaii SB1240 has passed the House and Senate, now awaiting Governor Ige’s signature.

The bill was amended several times prior to passing, however, if enacted would cripple one of the best-managed fisheries in the world.

This bill would quickly lead to Hawaii fishes having astronomical cost increases, although most concerning is overlooking the comprehensive data collected over the years proving how incredibly sustainable the fishery is, which could pave the way for this to happen to other fisheries.

We must encourage Governor Ige to veto this bill.

Click here to show Governor Ige we want this bill vetoed. (most important route)

Click here to sign another petition to veto this bill.

This video by Dr. Bruce Carlson is a phenomenal look into the sustainable Hawaiian fishery. I highly encourage you to check it out!

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  • Austin Lefevre

    Austin Lefevre founded and owns Aqua Box, a group of passionate professionals who bring unique aquarium systems to fruition worldwide and offer fully quarantined and conditioned fishes to the US retail market. Austin has been a bonafide fish nerd for his entire life. When the kids in elementary school were reading Dr. Seuss, Austin was reading Jacques Cousteau. He's been in the aquarium industry since 2002 working in local fish stores, coral farms, and headed up a fish breeding program. He's been an avid SCUBA diver since the age of 12 and consistently seeks new aquatic adventures.

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  1. uncouthtownie

    Very misleading article. “Fully close down the Hawaii fishery”?? That’s an outright lie. The Bill asks DLNR to “define sustainability” and not issue any new permits until that has been done.


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