Hydor Mixo and Ekomixo – Automatic Feeders for the times we’re away

by | Sep 4, 2017 | Equipment, Feeding | 0 comments

hydor automatic feeder
During summer, one of the favorite topics of conversation is how to feed our fish while we’re not at home. An automatic feeder is the solution.

Hydor presents two models, Mixo and EkoMixo. I discovered these feeders reading  the new Hydor web site dedicated to the direct sales to the public; I didn’t realize Hydor, well known for its pumps for ponds and aquariums, also sold these.

There are two models available; they’re identical except for the interface, and the price is quite similar.

Hydor EkoMixo automatic feeder

The EkoMixo is the easier of the two. It has just one button and three sets of fish-shaped LEDs, which represent the frequency that the feeder will supply food to the aquarium. To set it, you just have to push the button for at least one second. It will light up the first LED. If you will push again, it will light up the second LED and again the third one.

The planning is very easy: the three levels represent three different feeding frequencies. If you select 1 time, the feeder will feed right away, and then once every 24 hours. If you select 2, it will supply food right when you set it up and then once more after 8 hours, and repeats that cycle every day. If if you choose three, it will supply food when set up, again after 6 hours, and once more after another 6 hours, and then repeats that schedule every day.


In the first picture, you can see the quantity of granular food dispensed with the lever in maximum and in minimum position. I personally don’t believe that the maximum can be used.

The transparent container is designed to combat humidity, and to improve it even more, you could connect an aerator to the feeder itself. The price of the Hydor Ekomixo is 25,99 euro ($30.89 USD), but on Amazon you can find it at a lower price.

Hydor Mixo automatic feeder

The second feeder is available with an LCD display.

hydor automatic feeder

This is the first difference between the two feeders; the other is that you have the option of choosing just two administrations of food instead of three. The planning can be done through the display, and in this way you can choose two different times for the administration. The price is 31,90 euro ($37.90 USD) and, honestly, I recommend this type, and it’s the one I will set in my aquarium. And again, on Amazon you can save some money.

I will leave for my holidays at the end of summer, and then I will do a review of it. I will set it up on two daily administrations, with the minimum quantity of food allowed.

I’m going to use it for a week before my departure, just to be sure of its behavior.

hydor automatic feeder

And you, what do you think? Do you use an automatic feeder? Do you have any others? Let’s talk about it here in the comments or on Social Media.

  • danireef

    Danilo Ronchi, aka DaniReef lives in Italy where he is hydraulic engineer, but starting from his love for reef aquarium and photography, he began to write about marine aquariums from 2006 and now he's published his first book "Marine Aquarium". From 2007 Danilo writes on his blog danireef.com where publishes articles, pictures, product reviews, aquariums coverage, reportage and history of his tank. Now he's happy to be part of Reefs.com

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