Interzoo 2014: The Aquagenesis booth with the incredible RoboSnail

by | Jun 18, 2014 | Equipment, Events | 0 comments

During the Interzoo, the Aquagenesis booth was inside the bigger EFS booth, but we were there only to watch the Robosnail.

Robosnail is an automatic aquarium glass cleaner, a robot.

All the information about how the RoboSnail moves itself, all the logical functions behind the project are secret, because as you can easily guess, Aquagenesis arrived first on the market, and want to maintain their leadership in this small sector. But we can speak about what we have seen and what we have… guessed!

Robosnail by Aquagenesis is a magnetic automatic glass cleaner, the only thing we have to do is to set the lower point where RoboSnails can go and les jeux sont faits.


To do it is extremely simple, when Robosnail is in its base, that’s also a recharge base, we have to start it by pressing the button.


At this point RoboSnail begins to move toward the bottom of our glass, and when it reaches the bottom, just a little before, we have to press the button again to confirm the bottom. From that moment RoboSnail will clean the glass without pass over the setted bottom. If this not the case, because we did a wrong assignation, we have only to press the button again to set the right bottom.


At this point RoboSnail will start to clean the glass every day at that same hour when we have set it.


Here, I and Mr. Viktor Gutensohn, Europe Sales Director for Aquagenesis.

It’s possible to set RoboSnail to clean the glass an infinite number of times, it’s enough to set it at the precise hour we want it cleans the glass. From this moment on, it will clean every 24 hour. Incredible easy.


The moving system is related to four wheels that let’s RoboSnail to rotate and changing direction. And Mr. Viktor Gutensohn has shown us the spacing between the glass and the magnet, that’s studied to not collect debris to not scratch the glass.


We think premises are great, and today Robosnail is available for glass of 8 or 12 mm. Sure the Robosnail dimensions are just a little bit too big, but we think it could be a great addiction for many and many reefers.

The price should be about 300 dollars for 12 mm capable cleaner.

What do you think about?

  • danireef

    Danilo Ronchi, aka DaniReef lives in Italy where he is hydraulic engineer, but starting from his love for reef aquarium and photography, he began to write about marine aquariums from 2006 and now he's published his first book "Marine Aquarium". From 2007 Danilo writes on his blog where publishes articles, pictures, product reviews, aquariums coverage, reportage and history of his tank. Now he's happy to be part of

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