MACNA 2013 Banquet Gets More Entertaining with Master of Ceremonies, Richard Ross

by | Feb 1, 2013 | Funny, Industry, MACNA | 0 comments


The committee putting together the 2013 Marine Aquarium Conference of North America isn’t using the same old format that past shows have followed, but are shaking things up in a very interesting way. Besides having the perfect location for the event, what’s better than South Florida right, they are going to put their own spin on the evening events that follow the long days of vendor hall roaming and guest speaker listening. A keynote speech will be given by aquarium industry legend Dr. Richard Pyle, and the Saturday evening banquet will be overseen by a “master of ceremonies”. The brilliantly comedic and always enjoyable Richard Ross has been given that responsibility, and we can’t wait to see what this new format has to offer. Don’t get us wrong, last year’s keynote by Jean-Michel Cousteau was absolutely terrific, but having what we assume will be a little comedic relief will make the night even more entertaining.

So what qualifies Rich Ross, a biology nerd from the California Academy of Sciences, to be the master of ceremonies? Well, he’s no slouch on the stage. Rich has given tons of talks to aquarium clubs and at various trade shows, and he has even done some work in California television and at events like San Francisco’s Nerd Nite. In a nutshell, Rich is the perfect guy for the job in our opinions. Oh, and did we mention Rich is a snappy dresser.  Read More

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