MACNA 2019 Coverage : MASNA Aquarist of the Year, Tom Bowling

by | Sep 16, 2019 | Aquaculture, MACNA, Video | 0 comments

For those of you that didn’t know the theme of this year’s MACNA, it was ‘celebrating aquaculture’. I thought it was very fitting and well deserved that MASNA chose my friend, the ultimate aquaculturist Tom Bowling of Biota Aquariums, for the prestigious Aquarist of the Year award. Tom has been in our industry for a couple of decades working to provide sustainable options and has been working for / with many different reputable organizations and industry professionals to bring a real long list of sustainable, captive-bred, and aquacultured animals into our hobby. Check out my interview with him as we talk about his accomplishments, Biota, and what is to come!


  • Afishionado

    Afishionado : a person who likes, knows about, and appreciates a usually fervently pursued interest or activity. (In this case, fish, corals and reef keeping). We are group of passionate hobbyists who are all about educating, creating innovative contents and providing eye popping visuals for hobbyists of all levels.

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