October 2011’s Most Popular Posts

by | Nov 13, 2011 | Advanced Aquarist | 0 comments

October 2011's Most Popular Posts

October 2011’s most popular posts!

Extreme pumpkin carving for the extreme reef aquarist

How extreme is your reefkeeping hobby? Take a look at some of these ocean-inspired pumpkin creations to get your creative juices flowing this Halloween! Read more…

Weekend eye candy: Another enchanting reef video

We have been recently blessed with an influx of high quality reef videos. With personal video technology rapidly advancing (from cell phones to dSLRs), many more are sure to come. Here is another beautifully shot, beautifully produced reef video. Read more…

Birdsnest corals do not adapt well to different conditions

Who owns the Ponape Birdsnest (Seriatopora hystrix)? Some people report their specimens grow very quickly while others report virtually no growth for their corals. A recent study may explain the disparity in your experience with S.hystrix. Read more…

Brazilian Seahorse and Azoox 110 gallon Display

Phishy Business has set up a new and unique aquarium in their store’s lobby, stocked with Caribbean sponges, gorgonians, and 5 pairs of Brazilian Seahorses (Hippocampus reidi). With advances in nutrition, the latest technology, and our improved understanding of husbandry, aquariums are venturing into new frontiers. Read more…

Cloaking device for our aquarium gear? 

Using carbon nanotubes, researchers have discovered a way to completely hide objects that are submerged underwater. Could this mean the beginning of the end of seeing equipment in our tanks? Read more…

7.3 Earthquake vs. 60 gallon aquarium 

Find out what happens to a full 60 gallon glass aquarium during a simulated major earthquake and why tank owners in earthquake zones should secure their aquariums to their walls. Read more…

Aquascaping Inspiration from Spain 

Here is Friday’s eye candy and inspiration for your next reef aquascape, direct from Barcelona, Spain. A gorgeous, open structured, gravity-defying rimless reef … we have come a long way since our “wall o’ rocks” days. Read more…

Marine Depot unboxes the Ecotech Marine Radion XR30w

Marine Depot has posted the first photos for the unboxing of Ecotech Marine’s radion retail package. They are anticipating arrival of their first shipment as early as this Friday, with half of the initial shipment already sold to pre-orders. The radion Premium Hanging Kit is also expected to arrive at the same time. View more photos after the jump. Read more…

First look at the Ecotech Marine Radion quick-start manual

We are pleased to bring you the first look at the official Ecotech Marine radion XR30w quick-start manual, full of information about the radion’s design and features. Read more…

The “cluster array” LED lights of Reef-A-Palooza

Both Ecotech Marine’s radion and Aqua Illumination (Sol, Nano, and their upcoming model) were on display at RAP 2011. Much has already been written about these LED lights featuring clustered LED arrays, so here are some new photos and brief comments about them. Read more…


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