Orphek iCon, aquariums, drains, zeolite reactors and more by AGP at Interzoo 2022

by | Jul 5, 2022 | Events | 0 comments

You never forget the first time! And AGP, for its first time at Interzoo, really showed its muscles. Aquariums with beautiful furniture, Orphek ceiling lights, efficient systems for loading and unloading, automatic shaking zeolite reactor and many, many other products.

AGP chose not to go unnoticed at this Interzoo, showing a huge number of products. Every corner of the booth had something interesting to offer. Not to mention the fact that at the stand you could take a break, take some coffee and eat something, in true Italian style! Important to mention are the people we met at the booth: there was always someone we knew that dropped by. It was a really pleasant booth to visit, with the volcanic Fabrizio always ready to present the news.

Now we’ll show you the news too, starting with the video.

The video of AGP’s booth at the Interzoo 2022

Before you go on, here is our video where you can see the stand. Clicking on the video, you’ll be directly sent to the part about AGP, but you can also watch the rest of it. The video is in Italian, you only have to turn the English subs on! Enjoy!

Orphek and AGP

Let’s start with the partnership between AGP and the notable LED ceiling light company, Orphek. For a few months now, Orphek has been officially, exclusively distributed in Italy by AGP, and at the exhibition, they showed the new Orphek iCon, a LED ceiling light 62 cm long with a spectacular performance with corals.

Orphek iCon in detail in AGP’s booth at Interzoo 2022

For the technical characteristics and the amazing PAR of the Orphek iCon we recommend reading our complete review in the DaniReef Lab.

Orphek iCon in detail at AGP’s booth at Interzoo 2022

At the stand was also the beautiful Orphek LED bars in OR3 version, an economic solution for the lighting of the aquarium, but at the same time extremely powerful. If you see the light of the Orphek OR3 Blue Sky you can’t help but fall in love with it.

Orphek OR3in bars in detail at AGP’s booth at Interzoo 2022

Finally, at this worldwide preview, it was possible to see and buy the new lens for the digital photocameras with a 52 cm filter. If I remember correctly the launching price was 35 euro, but now they cost a little more. Anyway, we bought one, so right after the articles about the Interzoo we will proceed with the test!

The new Orphek Lens for digital photocameras

The new beautiful aquarium

The new AGP UNICA aquarium with a lot of solutions to discover

The new aquarium has a lot of interesting details, starting from the loading and unloading system (which deserves a separate chapter), the furniture which had a spectacular lacquered finish, and four openings, two doors and drawers.

Two top drawers of the furniture for aquarium UNICA by AGP

The drawers have all tracks with muffled stop, wonderful to open and close. Inside you can choose various combinations of features. At the exhibition, there was, on the left, a system to contain integrators and feeds, on the right there was a test bench.

At the bottom, the one with the doors, there was, on the right, the refill tank with room for the electrical system, while on the left there was the sump placed on tracks, so that it could slip out for a easier maintenance.

The new automatic shaking zeolite reactor

Automatic shaking zeolite reactor by AGP

Another beautiful object to see at the booth was the automatic shaking zeolite reactor. Beautiful and spectacular. The photos are good, but if you watch the video you can see it in action.

The new loading and unloading system

When we like something we have to tell to everyone! And we absolutely loved this loading and unloading system!

Loading and unloading system by AGP at the Interzoo 2022

Externally it seems to be pretty solid, but what we liked the most was that the drain grid has lateral slots, very useful to collect the falling water. They’re designed with a o-ring seal, and they’re easy to assemble and seal with bare hands. The system in the photo is 50 mm.

But the most beautiful part is the interior, where you can see that the space for the overflow of the water is so wide that it occupies the entire available section, which isn’t so obvious.

The new test kits for the measurement of water parameters

The part dedicated to the tests by Unica is brand new and we’re looking forward to using them!

…And many other products!

But that’s not all, because there were so many new products that we could talk about them for days! The new line of integrators, the Vibrant, the new ceiling light by MicMol, and the new ready to use water! A really amazing booth with a lot of material to show.


For further information about AGP and its products, visit their their official site. We also invite you to read our Editorial on the exhibition or to watch our videodocumentary about Interzoo 2022.

Fabrizio Gibin of AGP and DaniReef with the new orange t-shirt, at AGP’s booth at Interzoo 2022

[translated by Agnese Poggi]

  • danireef

    Danilo Ronchi, aka DaniReef lives in Italy where he is hydraulic engineer, but starting from his love for reef aquarium and photography, he began to write about marine aquariums from 2006 and now he's published his first book "Marine Aquarium". From 2007 Danilo writes on his blog danireef.com where publishes articles, pictures, product reviews, aquariums coverage, reportage and history of his tank. Now he's happy to be part of Reefs.com

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