Blue Squamosa Clam – A Mollusk With Wow Factor

Years ago when I first entered the hobby I was mesmerized by a giant blue clam at a LFS. It was about 5 inches and I had never seen a blue clam with that type of pattern. I was told it was a Blue Squamosa clam, considered at the time to be the holy grail of clams. It was not for sale and even it if was I never would have been able to afford the price tag for such a rare gem. Nonetheless, I was hooked on clams and always kept a few in my tanks over the years, including a hard to find Blue Teardrop Maxima I acquired about eight years ago. Yes, this type of clam was also pricey at the time but it was

Time lapse of Acropora growth

Even fast-growing corals such as SPS only lay down millimeters of growth per day. The only way to see their growth "in action" is many weeks of photography stitched together in a time-lapse. Peter Kragh has done exactly this and shares his results.

A visit to Seahorse Savvy

Last week I had the pleasure of visiting one of the world’s premier seahorse aquaculture facilities: Seahorse Savvy, on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. The visit materialized when I realized that a pilgrimage to my homeland of Long Island would take me within a few...