Springer’s Dottyback in the Wild

I’ve always struggled to photograph dottybacks in the wild.  Being a large lumbering creature armed with a big chunky camera does not help me when trying to approach a small, nervous fish that spends its days darting in and out of rockwork and coral...

Google really understands perks

Google is famous for fostering the ideal work-space to motivate their employees. As if free gourmet food, massages, a gaming room, nap pods, and a state-of-the-art gym aren't enough, the employees of Google Munich get to relax in this room.

Tank Crashes – A Part of Reef Keeping

There are a lot of moving parts when it comes to keeping a successful captive reef tank and unfortunately a tank can go south in a hurry if one of those parts gets out of whack. Sometimes a tank crash is due to a mistake by the reef keeper while other times it is carelessness or just bad luck. As for mistakes, they do happen, although many can be prevented by doing some homework before acting to correct a problem or attempting to achieve better results. Yes, knowledge is power when it comes to reef keeping and I learned this the hard way when I tried something without doing the required research, causing a former tank to crash. It was years ago and at the time there

Underwater Photography in Monochrome?

Black and white isn’t something that you normally see in underwater work. Monochrome is more suited to gritty reportage, street shots, and portraiture. However, there are some subjects that work well in monochrome; here are a few of my...

A new Australian hard coral

Scientists have discovered a new species of Cyphastrea coral (AKA "Meteor Shower Coral") at Lord Howe Island, a small, isolated island off the Great Barrier Reef. While it looks like most other Cyphastrea (species within this genus really look similar), genetic analysis reveals it is unique.

Product Showcase: Easy Reefs Masstick Fish Food

Marine fish on natural reefs are always in the feed mode, as they hunt down food in the water column or pick for food on live rock as they swim in and around the reef. Many fish in a captive reef tank will typically not do this, as they consume most of their food in concentrated amounts when the reef keeper feeds the tank. Well, there is one product out there that provides an alternative. Masstick fish food, manufactured by Easy Reefs, is a self-adhesive paste (yes, you read that right) you can stick on the aquarium glass or live rock, allowing fish to constantly pick over time and feed in a more natural manner. The food is sold as a powder and all you have

Simple Economics and the cost of Lineage Corals

Photo Credit: Reef Raft USA – Neptune Bounce Why are lineage corals so expensive? This is a question that I get asked once a week at New England Aquarium Services.   There are hundreds, if not thousands, of lineage corals available in the aquarium trade and just one example of such a coral is the Jason Fox Beach Bum Montipora. This coral can range anywhere in price from $200-$600 for a ½ to 1 inch frag. The explanation for this question is very simple; lineage corals are corals that come from a seller’s private collection and they are unusually beautiful. Photo Credit: Jason Fox Signature Corals Additionally, corals like the Beach Bum usually command a higher price that holds up over time due to the fact that are