Adding the Human Element to Underwater Photographs

For many years I worked hard to keep other divers out of my photographs; I wanted to capture the underwater world as if I was the only person in it. But as a diving journalist, I’d submit a series of pictures to an editor and they’d always use the ones that I was...

Neptune Apex Heartbeat

Does your Apex have a heartbeat? This brand-new update for fusion will notify you immediately if there is a power outage or a network failure, so you can check your system right away and rectify the...

When the Conditions are Just Right

I’ve been photographing coral reefs for quite some time now; and not always with success. Getting a great shot of a reef requires the combination of a few factors that you can’t always rely on, but when everything does come together, the results can be...

More Thistlegorm Treasures

Following up on from my post about the steam locomotives on the world-famous wreck of the SS Thistlegorm, I want to expand on my “transportation” theme and look at some more of the wreck’s...