The Amazing World of Microscopic Pond Life Video

Daniel Stoupin is determined to win the internet. He has already shown us how corals can make for some terrific subjects of time lapse photography, and his latest video shows how freshwater life can be just as interesting when displayed in a similar high def format. The clip shows an amazing world full of life, some of which looks like it would be right at home in the oceans or in our aquariums. It focuses on bryozoans, water fleas, mayfly nymphs, mosquito larvae, water mites, ostracods, and the amoeba…which looks extremely menacing in this video. To view this tiny pond life, Daniel used microscopy techniques and macro photography. Unlike the coral video, which used hundreds of thousands of still images to create a breathtaking time lapse, this video was made from a week’s worth of videography coupled with years of experience in finding and videoing these interesting critters. We don’t need to dive into the deep ocean to find the most unusual lifeforms. This short clip is a journey into a bizarre world of microscopic inhabitants of pond water. You will see water fleas, bryozoans, water mites, mayfly nymphs, ostracods, and, of course, hydras

CORAL Wins Magazine of Year Award

CORAL, The Reef & Marine Aquarium Marine, has been named Hobbyist Magazine of the Year in a Niche Media awards ceremony in Charleston, South Carolina on February 26th. CORAL with its first Nichee Magazine Award. Likened to an Oscar for smaller publications, the Nichee Magazine Awards recognize excellence in content, visual presentation, and publishing acumen. CORAL is published in the small town of Shelburne, Vermont, but reaches an estimated worldwide audience of 37,000 readers, primarily in the United States and Canada, but with distribution in the UK, Australia, Scandinavia, South Africa and India. “We are thrilled to be recognized by our peers,” says Editor & Publisher James Lawrence. “In a time when print newspapers and magazines are said to be dying, in fact niche titles in many fields of interest are thriving.” “We couldn’t do it without our outstanding writers and photographers—some of the world’s best—our loyal readers and a small, dedicated and very hardworking staff in Vermont,” said Lawrence. “Someone here joked that this is Academy Awards weekend and we have already won ours, and I should keep the speech short.” The current incarnation of CORAL was launched in 2009 and is the official English Language Edition of the German title KORALLE, originally created by Publisher Matthias Schmidt and Editor Daniel Knop in 1999. One of Europe’s leading periodical and book specialty publishers, Natur und Tier-Verlag GmbH of Münster is the parent company of KORALLE and is known for publishing the work of authoritative authors, with bod graphics and arresting nature photography.