My take on XPAqua’s Flood Guardian, AKA The Marriage Saver

by | Feb 19, 2019 | Equipment, Technology, Video | 0 comments

I first saw these units at Interzoo last year in Germany. At first, I didn’t think much of it, as optical sensors were nothing new and the size of its physical hardware was small, which made me doubt its abilities compared to some of the other mechanical designed counterparts out there.

Fast forward a few months and when I was asked to review this unit, I had to put away my biased thinking and do it with a fresh, clean slated mind to give it a fair chance, but I will admit that I still had my doubts. Doing what I do, I have seen a plethora of products that looked great on paper but failed to meet my expectations in actual everyday settings which, in turn, did not make my published reviews.

I decided to give this unit a go and test it in my new 100g reservoir that I had just set up that day.

Boy, oh boy. This unit impressed me. It has proven me wrong and I was pleasantly surprised about how well this little unit performed. I am a firm believer of this unit now and I strongly recommend this product to everyone. I really think that every aquarist could utilize this in their setup. I will probably not set up another reef tank without one. That’s how strongly I feel about it.

Take a look at the video and see if this unit is for you as well.

Happy reefing!

Special guest: Seth Swayne of Reef Shine Guys.

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