RNN Episode 144 – Happy Reefy Fishmas

by | Dec 25, 2020 | DIY, Podcast, Tanks | 0 comments

This week we catch up with Jeremy and Peter to talk a bit about their tanks. Then we jump into some great holiday options for our reef tanks or yours!

Main Topic:

Happy Reefy Fishmas this week we talk about some gear, fish and coral options that Jeremy and Peter are looking forward to. In addition, we built out a quick Reefers Secret Santa list, check it out.

Top 5 Secret Santa Reefy Gifts
1. Nori and a Clip
2. Mini DIY Frag Kit: Super Glue Gel, SS Cuticle Clippers, 10 Pack Razor Blades (No oil)
3. RODI Auto Shut Off-Kit 4. IceCap Coral Viewing Lens
5. Coral Max
6. Flipper Nano Scraper
7. Flipper Viewing Lens

Reef News Network: www.reefnewsnetwork.com


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