Hermit Crab from Playa Jeremi

Good morning friends, I had a fairly quiet weekend at home keeping my eye on our dog Indi who has a terrible skin rash of some kind. I did take her to the vet and I am giving her pills and creams but after 3 days I still do not see much difference. The main thing I am doing at home is just keeping her quiet and in the air all day, the heat really seems to make it worse. I did get in a 3 hour bike ride yesterday morning with my next door neighbor, we took off over to the north coast and by the time we got back it was getting crazy hot, I spent the rest of the day out of the sun..

Epizoanthus, and the Hermit Crabs that love them

One of the most diverse groups of zoantharian corals is also one of the least known amongst aquarists. Epizoanthus is composed of dozens of species, ranging from shallow waters to habitats hundreds of meters deep, from tropical coral reefs to cold temperate climes,...