by Matthew Stansbery | Jul 2, 2015 | Conservation, Fish, Science, Sustainability
A new study from the University of Sydney Australia has found that the Spiny Chromis reef fish can manipulate the gender of their offspring to combat the gender bias created by increasing ocean temperatures. … by Matthew Stansbery | Jul 1, 2015 | Conservation, Corals, Fish, Sustainability
Overfishing is one key impact to the decline of coral reefs worldwide and a new study performed by the Wildlife Conservation Society, James Cook University, and The Australian Institute of Marine Science shows just how important fish are to the recovery of areas... by Matthew Stansbery | Jun 26, 2015 | Conservation, Fish, Science, Sustainability
New research out of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies at James Cook University finds that the impacts of human activities like dredging are making it harder for fish to breathe, and are likely increasing the rates of gill disease amongst coastal reef... by Matthew Stansbery | Jun 24, 2015 | Funny, Invertebrates, Science, Technology
Researchers from the University of Riverside are studying the internal bone structure of Mantis Shrimp in an effort to reduce the damaging effects of head trauma associated with American Football.… by Matthew Stansbery | Jun 23, 2015 | Corals, Science, Sustainability
Solar Radiation Management is a theory of approach towards stemming the effects of global warming, and its principle benefits are now the focus of a new paper published by the University of Exeter, with regard to coral reefs worldwide.…