by Afishionado | Jul 12, 2017 | Events, Video
For this video, we met up with our good friend Julian Sprung of Two Little Fishies to talk about the products that the company showcased at Reef A Palooza NY. Randy and Julian go in depth about the products, how they can be useful, what type of animals can benefit... by Marcin Smok | Apr 3, 2017 | Equipment, Feeding, Fish
I am sincerely excited to share my thoughts regarding the newest aquarium gadget from Two Little Fishies. It is a simple and straightforward device that serves only one purpose, yet does it so well I can’t imagine running my tank without it when I am... by Marcin Smok | Nov 21, 2016 | Aquaculture, Feeding, Fish, Industry
When Julian Sprung isn’t busy writing excellent books on fishkeeping and giving talks at major shows, he likes to develop innovative products for the aquarium market. Today we are reviewing the fish food called...