by Marcin Smok | Oct 10, 2017 | Equipment, Industry, MACNA, Technology
The felt filter sock is the current king of mechanical filtration in the reef hobby. Almost everybody who has a system with a sump uses one; it’s a simple, easy to use method of trapping uneaten food particles and other visible debris flowing in a saltwater fish...
by Afishionado | Oct 9, 2017 | Science, Technology
In this age of technology, we are relying more and more on intuitive apps to make our life little bit easier. But yet you don’t see much apps in our hobby minus equipment or control apps. Here is something cool app that I came across with massive...
by Marcin Smok | Oct 1, 2017 | Industry, MACNA, Technology
Interview with Andrzej Onichimiuk, Senior Sales Manager Aquaforest’s massive and diverse line of products for the reef aquarium hobby has grown even larger since last year’s MACNA...
by AquaNerd | Sep 27, 2017 | Equipment, Science, Technology
The Red Dragon Eco 5 is a brand new pump model from Royal Exclusiv that is about to hit the US market in October of this year. Early birds will receive a discounted pre-order price that is now being accepted by authorized US dealers (keep reading to learn more). Red Dragon Eco 5 Overview – The Eco 5 has a maximum flow rate of 1057 GPH (4000 LPH) while only consuming 25 watts of power. At slower speeds the pump will consume even less wattage and Royal Exclusiv has provided flow curves using 25 watts, 15 watts and 10 watts of power as seen by clicking the graphs below. Like all of the saltwater Red Dragon pumps, the Eco 5 features titanium screws that will not easily corrode in saltwater. The pump can be used
by Marcin Smok | Sep 20, 2017 | Equipment, MACNA, Technology
Just in time for MACNA 2017 in New Orleans, Ecotech Marine presented their newest addition to the Ecosmart Live connected devices, the Vectra S1 return pump. S1 finally fills the gap left by its larger counterparts, the M1 and L1 pumps- with a footprint of only 3.5in...
by Marcin Smok | Sep 17, 2017 | Equipment, Industry, MACNA, Technology
I always enjoy talking to Terence, both for the fact that there’s always something to talk about (Neptune Systems delivers a jaw-dropper at almost every MACNA show) and for the simple reason that he is a really cool guy to talk to and a true reefer at...