The new PRO series feeds by Amtra: Natural, Color, and Vegetal Flake

by | Dec 19, 2020 | Feeding | 0 comments

Amtra presented its new line of PRO feeds during Zoomark 2019; we finally got a sample and we’re ready to do a proper analysis. Let’s see what we found out.

These flake feeds are the outcome of  AMTRA‘s thirty years of experience. They experimented with new methodologies that are as natural as possible, and processed the food at low temperatures.

The three feeds we’re about to present are: Pro Natural, which has the fewest alterations, Pro Color, which has added Garlic and Astaxantina to improve the coloration and the immune defenses of the fish, and Pro Vegetal which is mainly vegetables.

The composition of the feeds AMTRA Pro Natural, Color and Vegetal F

The three feeds, which have quite a few differences in their basic composition, have the follow macroingredients:

Pro Natural FPro Color FPro Vegetal F
Worm flour (Tenbrio molitor, Chironomus sp, Lumbricus terrestris, Bombyx mori)WheatWheat
WheatKrill flourHydrolyzed fish protein
Herring flourHydrolyzed fish proteinBrewer’s yeast
Hydrolyzed fish proteinCornSpirulina
Corn starchHydrolyzed shrimp proteinCorn starch
PotatoSeaweed flourHerring flour
Salmon oilBrewer’s yeastSalmon oil
Carob flourKelp seaweedChlorella seaweed
Alga KelpSalmon oil 
Betaglucan from brewer’s yeastGarlic 

And their interesting nutritional analysis:

 Pro Natural FPro Color FPro Vegetal F
Raw proteins42.7%44.7%46%
Raw fats5.8%8.7%5.3%
Raw fiber1.3%0.5%0.7%
Raw ashes7.9%8.1%2.8%

As you can see from the chart, the feeds are mainly protein (almost the half of the total), as well as 5% of fats in the Natural and Vegetal, and 9% in the Color. Being a rather caloric feed, it’s better for fish that usually eat smaller fishes or crustaceans; the Color, with more fats, is good also for cold water fish. In Natural and Color the proteins are close to other similar feeds (49.8%), while the fiber is much lower than usual, 0.5 or 1.3 instead of 1.7. On the other hand, Vegetal has a higher number of proteins for a vegetable feed, 46% against the average of 34.5%; the other values are normal, except for the fiber, which is low. The other elements, moisture, ashes, and others, are very low in the Pro Vegetal and higher in Pro Color and Pro Natural.

The vitamins

Let’s see the composition of vitamins, trace elements, and additives:

 Pro Natural FPro Color FPro Vegetal F
Vitamin A25,000 IU/kg24,700 IU/kg25,000 IU/kg
Vitamin D31,500 IU/kg11,465 IU/kg1,500 IU/kg
Vitamin E100 mg/kg120 mg/kg100 mg/kg
Vitamin C450 mg/kg79.1 mg/kg450 mg/kg
L-lysine  480 mg/kg
DL-Methionine  480 mg/kg
Betaine  1.9 g/kg

In all the three feeds the Vitamin A is predominant. Vitamin A promotes healthy growth, strengthens the eyesight, defends the skin, and promotes on fertility. Notice also the quantity of amino acids in Amtra Pro Vegetal F.

The Amtra Pro feeds at a close view

In order to compare these feeds with others we’ve analyzed, let’s see how they look in close detail, with our macro 1:1, even if once in water they get wet and assume a different consistency. The attractiveness is good, at least for the Amtra Pro Color F that I used in my aquarium, because it’s the most suitable for marine fish.

The cost

The feeds are sold in jars of 50 grams or 250 ml, at 4,20 euro (about 8.4 cents per gram) for the Pro Natural F, 5,20 euro (about 10.4 cents per gram) for the Pro Color F, 4,5 euro for the Pro Vegetal F (about 9 cents per gram).

If you want more information about fish feeds, here’s our article: fish feeding. [translating by Agnese Poggi]

  • danireef

    Danilo Ronchi, aka DaniReef lives in Italy where he is hydraulic engineer, but starting from his love for reef aquarium and photography, he began to write about marine aquariums from 2006 and now he's published his first book "Marine Aquarium". From 2007 Danilo writes on his blog where publishes articles, pictures, product reviews, aquariums coverage, reportage and history of his tank. Now he's happy to be part of

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