Top Ten: Signs You’ve Been in the Hobby Too Long

by | Feb 24, 2012 | Funny | 3 comments

10.  Your tank has a background decal depicting the Hindenburg disaster
9.  You have a full grown coelacanth you bought when they were in every LFS
8.  You have a Bucky Beer can in your tank
7.  Your surge protector is rated in units of Teslas
6.  You do your fragging with a cutlass
5.  Your reef controller accepts punch cards
4. When you removed your old sandbed you had to chip away a bed of limestone
3.  Captain James Cook once sent you a frag pack
2.  You used to carpool to frag swaps with Jacques Cousteau
1.  You have chalices which have grown out

  • Josh Saul

    Josh Saul is a technology consultant for large global banks. He has been involved in the aquarium hobby for 20 years and has been SCUBA diving for more than 30.

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  1. Jared Goldenberg

    Coelacanths are awesome! #1 is pretty funny.

  2. Coral Theory

    #1 made me chuckle out loud 🙂

  3. Dickie52

    Your tank has an undergravel filter….


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