Want to Easily Clean Aquarium Glass? Mirage Takes Care of It

by | May 22, 2018 | Equipment, Tanks | 0 comments

ATM mirage

Getting hand prints on the aquarium glass is always stressful.  To help, ATM has developed Mirage.

Personally, I am always afraid to use any cleaning product for the fear it might contaminate the water of the aquarium.  So no alcohol, no ammonia, nothing at all. Generally I use tap water, softened (so without calcium), and a microfiber cloth or a Scottex. Unfortunately, as you readers know very well, the aquarium glass is often extremely greasy, and the job is not always so easy.

Indeed in my own case, I have to pass a first Scottex soaked in water on the glass, then a second one to dry it. The result is good, but it takes a long time. This is where Mirage comes in.

ATM Mirage

ATM Mirage is a non toxic product, without ammonia, that cleans and shines. It doesn’t leave streaks, but it does clean the fingerprints and any other filth that stains our wonderful glass. It rejects the dust and leaves an amazing shining finish. As the old Italian advertisement said, “the proof is in the pudding“.

ATM mirage

Mirage is perfect for cleaning both glass and acrylic aquariums, and, if a few drops should fall in the tank, they would not cause any trouble for fish, corals, or plants. That’s something wonderful.

In my opinion, it’s worth the purchase just for the speed it takes to clean the glass. Even I have to admit that the result is better than my homemade approach.

ATM Mirage is only sold in a 236ml package with the spraying dispenser. The price is 15,75 euro ($18.50 USD).

Have any of you had the opportunity to prove it? What do you think about it? Leave your comments in the window below or in our social channels.

[Translated by Federico Lavezzi]

  • danireef

    Danilo Ronchi, aka DaniReef lives in Italy where he is hydraulic engineer, but starting from his love for reef aquarium and photography, he began to write about marine aquariums from 2006 and now he's published his first book "Marine Aquarium". From 2007 Danilo writes on his blog danireef.com where publishes articles, pictures, product reviews, aquariums coverage, reportage and history of his tank. Now he's happy to be part of Reefs.com

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