Spawn Watch: How to witness pelagic spawning reef fish
By Jake Adams There is something very exciting about catching that fleeting moment when pelagic spawning reef fish release their gametes. Catching the act of pelagic... Read more.

An LED Primer
By Jake Adams One common comment that I frequently receive from prospective buyers of LED reef lights is a fear that the technology is moving so fast that a significant... Read more.

Partial mortality and the Phoenix Effect in stony corals
By Jake Adams Corals are fascinating creatures to reef hobbyists for a number of reasons. Sure corals are beautiful, interesting and fun to grow, but they also have... Read more.

Anampses lennardi: the blue and yellow wrasse from Northwest Australia
By Jake Adams The blue and yellow wrasse, Anampses lennardi, is an exceptional species of reef fish that stands out in a family of many beautiful, colorful fish.... Read more.

Genicanthus personatus: the Masked Angelfish
By Jake Adams The masked angelfish, Genicanthus personatus, is an idolized reef fish which is as beautiful as it is expensive and rarely seen. The stunning marble-white... Read more.

The Innovative Aquarium Products of InterZoo 2010
The international pet product trades show in Nuremberg, Germany this past May was a smorgasbord of new marine and reef aquarium products. Some of these new products... Read more.

Product Review: B-Ionic Seawater is Good to the Last Drop
Sometime around a year ago, I started hearing about this new salt mix from ESV that reefing friends Jason Edward of Greenwich Aquaria and Dave Lackland of Atlantic... Read more.

Feature Aquarium: EcoReef One: A New Kind of Nano Reef
I want to share with you some information about a very different five-gallon nano reef that is only 6 months old. Although it’s contents could fit completely... Read more.

Product Review: Reefing like it’s 1999: How Reef Aquarium Flow and Lighting has Changed Over the Past Decade
With the passing of another year comes the passing of a whole decade of modern reefing decade behind us. The pace of things may seem steady to the casual aquarist... Read more.

Freshwater Aquariums: Ornamental Crystal Shrimp
When mini-reef aquariums became more popular in the saltwater aquarium hobby, so too did the shrimp, clams, other invertebrates and smaller more delicate reef fish... Read more.