Saltwater Smarts
  • Saltwater Smarts

    Saltwater Smarts is a unique online resource created by long-time aquarists Chris Aldrich and Jeff Kurtz to inspire and entertain a new generation of marine aquarium hobbyists while helping them acquire the reliable, authoritative knowledge base they need to succeed with a saltwater system. By clarifying key concepts, techniques, and terminology, as well as sharing expert insights from fellow enthusiasts and industry professionals, Chris and Jeff hope to promote a more accessible, sustainable, and enjoyable marine aquarium hobby. Read more about our mission and the contributors who are part of our team.

Recent Content

What Hobbyists Can Learn when They Visit a Public Aquarium

What Hobbyists Can Learn when They Visit a Public Aquarium

Here in the US, the summer travel season is well underway, and popular attractions all across the nation are swarming with tourists. For those of us enamored with marine life, vacation travel often involves a visit to major public aquariums, where we can spend several quality hours figuratively immersed in the underwater realm.…

What Hobbyists Can Learn when They Visit a Public Aquarium

Reefkeeping Happiness Is…

In discussing the myriad rewards of reefkeeping, we marine aquarium hobbyists tend, at least in my humble opinion, to exaggerate the “soothing and relaxing” nature of our systems. If I’m being perfectly honest, on balance I probably derive more tension than tranquility from this hobby—or at least both elements in equal measure.…

What Hobbyists Can Learn when They Visit a Public Aquarium

Salty Q&A: Calcium and Alkalinity Out of Whack

Question:  I’m having an issue with the calcium and alkalinity levels in my reef tank. Right now, the calcium is at 380ppm, which is at the low end of the acceptable range, and the alkalinity is at 10dKH, closer to the high end of the acceptable range.…

What Hobbyists Can Learn when They Visit a Public Aquarium

Tidal Gardens Substrate Update

Back in 2002, all the tanks were some combination of 300-gallon and 150-gallon stock tanks because they were by far the most cost-effective containers that were truly rugged. After all, anything that was built to be strong enough to get kicked by a horse or cow should hold up to the sort of beating we dish out here.…

5 Circumstances that Warrant a Species (or Specimen) Tank

Salty Q&A: How Long Before My Tank Is Cycled?

Question:  The fish store dealer who’s helping me through the setup of my first saltwater aquarium told me I need to give the tank time to cycle before I put any fish or corals in it. As of right now, the tank has been operating for about a month.…